24 September 1641

[Petition of Sir George Ogilvie of Banff for advocates to plead for him in defence of the complaint by Mr Thomas Mitchell]

To the kingis most excellent majestie and to the lordis and wtheris of the estaitis of parliament, humblie sheweth Sir George Ogilvy of Banfe that quhairas he being conveined befoir ane committie of the parliament be Maistir Thomas Mitchell, person of Turreff, for restitution of certain guidis and geir alledgit taikin from the said Maistir Thomas be many and dyverse gentillmen and wtheris of the Marques of Huntly his following in the tyme of thes common trubles, to quhom he alledgis the petitioner to have beine ledder and commander at that tyme. And seing in this busines the petitioner his defences in a pairt will result wpon the actis of pacification and oblivion quhairbe he alledgis he aucht to be assoilyeit from the desyr of the said lybell (not granting that any thinge wes committed be him, nather as actor, quhich the said Maistir Thomas Mitchell doeth acknowledge, nor as ledder or commander at that tyme, as salbe maid cleir befoir your majestie and estaitis). And seing the decision thairof is of great moment and consquence, the petitioner his humble and earnest desyr is that your majestie and estaitis wilbe pleased to grant to him ane warrand for advocatis to procuir for him, and that the said mater and persuit be haird in presence of your majestie and face of the haill parliament. And the petitioner sall always etc.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  2. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  4. Left blank. This clause preceded by two clauses recording the supplication's passage through parliament. Back
[Supplication of Colonel John Munro for release from his imprisonment in Edinburgh Castle]

Supplicatioun Colonell Johne Monro

To the king's most excellent majestie and to the right honorable the estats of this present parliament, the humble petition of Lieutenent Colonell Monro, prisoner in the castell of Edinburgh, humblie shewing that where the petitioner hes beene prisoner in the said castell these [...] moneths bygane upon occasion of a letter written to the Frenche, being receaved be him from one Lieutennent Dundas and thereafter delivered by the said petitioner to Sir Donald Gorme, by which long imprissonment the petitioners fortouns ar much prejudged to his appeirand ruine.

May it thairfoir please your majestie and honnors to commiserat the petitioners condition and to give order for his enlargement furth of the said castell in that forme and maner sall be found expedient, as he sall ever be readie to serve your majestie and the honnorable estats to the uttermost of his power.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  2. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  4. Left blank. This clause preceded by two clauses recording the supplication's passage through parliament. Back
[Petition of Janet Corsbie for the trial of her husband and son]

To the king's most excellent majestie, the humble petitioun of Jonet Corsbie, humblie shewing that her husband John Black and Thomas Black, there soune, wer imprisoned by the Earle of Nithisdaile almost two yeares sence in Drumfreis and have lyen in yrons for suspicioun of the death of John Maxuell of Midlebee, of whose death (God knows) they are innocent, the said John Maxuell dyeing in a moss in the night as is weill knowen. And yett the said John and Thomas Blackes refuses no legall tryall but they ar sterved in prisoun these two yeares almost and neither tryed nor relieved.

Wherefore I earnestlie pray that the relict of the said umquhill John Maxuell be put to take out a commissioun to try the said John and Thomas Blackes and use them according to law rather then that they die for famine in prisoun, or otherwyse if they refusse to pursue betwixt and ane appoynted day, that warrant be given for releaseing the saids John and Thomas Blackes. And I with my said husband and fyve children shall ever pray.

His majestie is graciously pleased to remitt this petition to be answered in parliament.

James Galloway, att Halirudhous this 29 August 1641

24 September 1641

Red in audience of the kingis majestie and parliament, who ordanes the within two Blackis to be [...].

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  2. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'. Back
  4. Left blank. This clause preceded by two clauses recording the supplication's passage through parliament. Back