17 September 1641

[Petition of Mr William Turnbull for the passage of the gift of John Turnbull through the exchequer]

Wnto his sacred majestie and honorable lordis and estaites of this present parliament, humblie meanis and schawis I, your servitor Maistir Williame Turnbull, minister at Makcairstoun, that quhair umquhill Johnne Turnbull of Mynto, my brother, contractit seiknes in the publict service in the army at Newcastell, quhair he remainit ane lang space and thairefter depairtit this lyfe, quhairby the gift of the waird of his lande and mariage of Johne Turnbull, his eldest sone, now fallis in your majesties hande, heirfoir I beseik your majestie and estaites foirsaidis to geve ordour to his hienes thesaurar depute and remanent lordis of exchekker to pas the signatour presentit to thame quhilk is signed by your majestie in my name of the said gift of waird and mariage of the said Johne Turnbull, my brother sone, quhilk is taikin to his behuif of consent of his speciall freindis. And that upoun sik reasonable compositioun as your majestie and estaites foirsaidis sall think expedient.

17 September 1641

His majestie, with advyse of the parliament, appointis the deputie thesaurar and lordis of exchekquhair to pass the gift within written gratis, and appointis the clerk to give the dowble of this delyverance under his hand for thair warrand.

Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parliamenti

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  4. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.665. Back
  5. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 17 1641'. Mistakenly filed under 17 November instead of 17 September. Back
  6. 'To 52' written in margin. Back
  7. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.666. Back
[Petition of Alexander Ramsay for passage of his gift through the exchequer]

Unto the kingis most excellent majestie and the honorabill hous of parliament, I, Alexander Ramsay, sone lawfull of umquhile Johne Ramsay off Balnabreiche, and brother to umquhile James Ramsay, sone naturall to the said umquhile Johne, my father, humblie scheweth that quhair I, as brother to the said umquhile James Ramsay, have obtynit the gift of his bastardrie under his majesties hand, quhilk gift the thesaurer depuit and remanent lordis off excheker will on nawayis pas, expeid and delyver to me without ane compositione be payit thairfoir, albeit it was intendit be the honorabill estaittis off parliament that the airis, executoris and narrest freindis off suche as sould happin to die in the publict service sould be usit with all kynd of favour and receave all suche courtesies as the king and estaittis might grant in thair behalff. And trew it is that the said umquhile James Ramsay, my brother, was killed in the conflict at Newburne, being ane trowper in the cumpanie under the commandement off Capitane Grahame, as is notour to the haill commanders wha war thane present. Thairfoir it is humblie desyrit be me that ane warrand may be grantit and direct in my favouris to the thesaurer depuit, lordis of excheker and utheris quhome it concernis to pas, expeid and delyver to me the foirsaid gift alreaddie grantit in my favouris, and that without payment of any compositioun. Thairfoir in respect foirsaid and I sall ever as bond in dewtie pray etc.

17 September 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and estaittis off parliament, who granted the desyre theroff.

Alexander Gibsone

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  4. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.665. Back
  5. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 17 1641'. Mistakenly filed under 17 November instead of 17 September. Back
  6. 'To 52' written in margin. Back
  7. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.666. Back
[Minutes of the meeting of the nobility regarding the king's nomination of officers of state, council and session]

17 Septemb[er] 1641

At the meitting of the nobilitie in the efternoone

Gif his majestie shall be humblie intreated befoir the parliament tak the list of counsallouris to consideration to condiscend upone ane definite nomber of the counsale, yea or no.

Gif his majestie shalbe intreated that he may be pleased at the humble desyre of the estaittis to nominate the officiaris of estaite befoir the parliament tak the list of counsallouris to consideratione, yea or no.

Resolved upon the first questione affirmative. Lykewayis resolved affirmative upon the second questione.

1. That the definite nomber of counsallouris be knowin.

2. That such counsallouris be named as will undertake to attend.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  4. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.665. Back
  5. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 17 1641'. Mistakenly filed under 17 November instead of 17 September. Back
  6. 'To 52' written in margin. Back
  7. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.666. Back
[List of persons nominated by the king to be officers of state and council]
Officeris of estate
E[rle of] Mortoun
L[ord] Lowdoun
Privie seall
E[rle of] Roxburgh
E[rle of] Lanerk
Clerk of registere
Sir Thomas Hoip
Thesaurer deput
Sir James Carmichaell
Justice clerk
Sir Johne Hammiltoune
Maistir of requestis
Sir James Gallaway
  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  4. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.665. Back
  5. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 17 1641'. Mistakenly filed under 17 November instead of 17 September. Back
  6. 'To 52' written in margin. Back
  7. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.666. Back
[Minutes of the meeting of the commissioners of the shires regarding the nomination of officers of state, council and session]

Seing the wordis of the act ar that his majestie will nominat and mak choyse of such habill and qualifeit persones to fill the places as sall be fittest for his service and may give most contentment to the estaitis of parliament and that he will mak the said nominatioun and choyse with the advyce and approbatioun of the estaittis:


Iff the parliament may give his majestie thair advyce befoir the nominatioun and iff, in thair advyce, they may condiscend upoun the persones names quhom they think fittest for his service and thair contentment.


Iff thais quha hes bene forth of the countrie dureing the tyme of the troubles (giving that they wer weill affected) sall be paralelled be the king and parliament in the electioun to eminent places with thais quha hes gone alonges with the countrie in hir bygaine extremities, and iff the parliament can give thair advyce to the electioune of thame as being the fittest men considdering the present conditioun of tyme efter sic long troubles, yea or no.

Resolved be the barones upoun this questioun negative.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 17 1641'. Back
  4. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.665. Back
  5. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 17 1641'. Mistakenly filed under 17 November instead of 17 September. Back
  6. 'To 52' written in margin. Back
  7. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.666. Back