19 August 1641

[Commission to four commissioners from Berwick and Haddington to assist in the retreat of the army]

Commission to tua for the shirrefdome of Bervik and tua for the shirrefdome of Hadingtoun to assist the commissioners for provision of the armie in thair reteire

Apud Edinburgh, 19 Augusti 1641

Forsameikle as our soverane lord and estates of parliament, considdering the necessitie that the provision for the armie and cariage thereof, with the cariage of amunitioun, artilliarie and baggage, be in readines, furnished and provyded for that effect, thairfoir our soverane lord and estates of parliament gives and grauntis full power, commissioun and warrand to George Hepburne of Alderstoune, Maistir James Sydserff of Ruchlaw for the shirrefdome of Hadintoune, and to Sir Johnne Swyntoun of that Ilk and Jhone Home of Blacader for the shirrefdome of Bervick, to authorize and assist the commissar deputtis and utheris havand charge under the generall commissar for furnishing of the army, or any of thame within the shirrefdomes forsaids in the executioun of thair office and charges respective for furnishing and provisioun of the said armie, cariage of the samen provisioun and of the amunitioune, artilliarie and baggage belonging to the armie. As also gives power and warrand to them within the shirrefdomes forsaidis to give assuirance in name of the publict for repayment of the pryces of the victuall, bread, drink and uther necessares to be undertaken be the saidis commissares and uplifted be thame and utheris haveand charge as said is for the use of the army. Quhairanent these presents ar declaired to be ane sufficient warrand to the four commissioners abovenamed and ilk ane of thame for thair releiff be the publict of all for the quhilk thay shall give assurance in name of the publict for the use of the army as said is. Subscryved be the clerk of parliament day and place forsaid.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  4. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  5. Illegible. Back
  6. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  7. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
[Proclamation for furnishing horses and other necessaries for the transport of the cannon and baggage of the army]

Proclamatioun for furnishing horsis and uther necessars for transport of the cannoun and baggage of the armie

Apud Edinburgh, 19 Augusti 1641

The whilk day our soverane lord and estates of parliament, considdering how necessar it is that horsis, cairtes, traisses, creillis, seckis and uther neidfull furnitour convenient for transporting and carieing of bread, drink and uther provisioun for the armie, as also for transporting of the canone, artilliary, ammunitioun and baggage of the said armie, be in readines upon all advertisement at all occasiounes for the effect forsaid, thairfor our soverane lord and estates of parliament forsaids does heirby, in his hienes name and authoritie, command and charge that all horsis, cairtes, traisis, creillis, seckis and uthair furnitour necessar for transport and cariage of bread, drink and uthair provisioun for the army and for transporting of the canone, artilliarie, amunitioun and baggage thairof forsaid be in readines to come in such numberis to such places and with such furnitour as the commissioneris, or anie of thame, shall appoint; and that upon tuelff hours advertisement to be given be the saids commissioneris to the saids awneris for that effect under all hiest paine that efter may follow. And ordaines publict proclamatioun to be maid heirof that nane pretend ignorance heiranent.

Alexander Gibsone

Upone the tuentie day of August, the yeir of God jM vjC and fourtie ane yeirs, I, James Currie, Ilay herald, past to the mercat croce of Edinburgh and be open proclamatione and sound of trumpets proclaimed the within written [...] befor the witnesses Williame Marr and David Fergusone, trumpetteris, and Luis Goodhall, indwellar in Edinburgh. And for farther verificatione of this my execution, subscribit my hand, my stampe is affixt.

J Currie, Ilay herald

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  4. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  5. Illegible. Back
  6. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  7. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
[Overture regarding the copper coin]

Overtour anent the copper coyne

In respect that it wes representtit to the kingis majestie befoir his cuming fra Ingland be a missive lettre that a present course sould be taken for copper money for the use of the kingis lieges and could delay na longer tyme, even in the kingis absence, it is now craivit that the kingis majestie and the parliament wald tak that mater to thair consideratioun and with all expedition tak sum course thairin, for it can suffer na longer delay.

19 Augusti 1641

Remitted to the committe appoynted for revising actis produced to this parliament since the first calling thairof.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  4. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  5. Illegible. Back
  6. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 19 1641'. Back
  7. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back