13 November 1641

[Act adding several parishes to the sheriffdom of Dumbarton continued until the next parliament; supplication recommended to the king]

Rege presente.

Act for the shirrefdome of Dumbartane, dismembring sevin parochines from the shirrefdome of Stirling and annexing the same to the shirrefdome of Dumbartane for the reasones thairin contained, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who continewis to give answer thairto till the nixt parliament, that the same may be then determined. And in the mein tyme recommendis to the counsale to prepaire the same to the said parliament.

Supplicatione be the Erle of Rothes and others partiners of Captane Robertsones ship, craving that reparatioune may be maid to thame of thair damages and losis sustained be thame by the taking of the said ship be the Hamburgers, or els that they may haif letters of reprysall, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who advysis his majestie to graunt letters of reprysall presentlie and depone the same in the handis of the counsale to the effect that gif his majestie doe not procure reparatioune to the supplicantis of thair damnage and losis according to justice, the saidis letters of reprysall may be delyvered to the supplicants. Lyke as accordinglie his majestie promised to graunt the saidis letters of reprysall and to caus exped the same under the greate seill and depone the same to the counsale.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 11 1641', f.1(a) v-1(b) v. Back
  2. 'of' repeated. Back
[Commission for the plantation of kirks remitted to a committee for revision; supplication remitted to the committee for regulating the common burdens]

Act of commissione for plantatione of kirkis red and produced in presence of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who appointis the committe underwrittin to revise the same and make thair observatione thairupon and report the same to the parliament, viz: the Erles of Seafort and Southesk for the nobilitie; Wauchtone and Cragivar for the barones; the commissioners of Bruntiland and Kinghorne.

Supplicatioune be the officiars of fortune who stayed within the countrie and also be the officiars of fortune of the Lord Jhonestones regiment, craving thair bygane pay, remitted to the committe for the common burthenis.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 11 1641', f.1(a) v-1(b) v. Back
  2. 'of' repeated. Back
[Nomination of officers of state, treasury, council and session; protest against; continuation]

The kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatione of the estaits of parliament, nominate and elected the persones underwritten to the places undermentionate formerlie possest be thame, and that ad vitam vel culpam, conforme to the act of this present parliament alreadie past and conforme to the gift thairof to be graunted to thame, viz: the Erle of Roxburgh, privieseill, the Erle of Lanerik, secretar, Sir Thomas Hoipe of Craighall, advocat, Sir James Carmichaell, thesaurer depute, and Sir Jhone Hamiltone of Orbeistone, justice clerk. Lyke as the said Erle of Lanerik produced in plaine parliament ane gift of the said office of secretarie graunted to him ad vitam, quhilk was superscryved be his majestie and uniformelie approvin be the haill estaittis of parliament, and continewis to give answer anent the electione of Sir James Galloway, maister of requestis, till Mooneday.

The kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatione of the estaittis of parliament, nominate and elected the lord chancellar, Erle of Argyle, Erle of Glencairne, Lord Lindsay, and thesaurer depute, or any three of thame, for discharging the office of thesaurare principall to the nixt parliament, conforme to the commissione to be drawin up for that effect.

The kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatioune of the estaittis of parliament, nominate and elected yong Durie to be clerk register ad vitam conforme to the act alreadie past in this parliament, and conforme to the gift to be graunted to him thairupon. Lyke as the estaitts appointis ane commissione to be drawin up for revising the registers and delyvering the same upon inventar to the clerk register.

The kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatioune of the estaittis of parliament, nominate and elected the persones underwritten to be of the counsale ad vitam aut culpam, conforme to the act alreadie past in this parliament and conforme to the commissione to be graunted to thame for that effect, viz: Lord Lowdone, chancellar, Duke of Lennox, Marquis of Hamiltoune, Erles of Argyle, Mershell, Southerland, Marr, Mortoune, Eglintoune, Cassills, Glencairne, Murray, Perth, Dumfermelin, Wigtoune, Kinghorne, Roxburgh, Seafort, Lauderdaill, Lothiane, Kinnowle, Southesk, Weymis, Dalhoulsie, Finlator, Lanrik, Levin, Lords Angus, Lindsay, Yester, Sinclair, Elphinstone, Balmerinoch, Burghlie, Amont and Balcarras, clerk register, advocat, thesaurer depute, justice clerk, maister of requestis, Sir Robert Gordoune, Sir William Dowglas of Cavers, Lairdis of Wauchtoune, Dundas, Fintrie, Cambo, Dinne, Innes and Morphie, and to add the provest of Edinburgh for the tyme, and als the Erles of Arundell, Pembroke, Salisburrie, Holland, lordis Willoughbie and Howard, Sir Harie Vane and Sir Jhone Cooke, supernumerarie, Inglish counsallours.

The kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatioune of the estaittis of parliament, nominate and elected the persones underwritten to be judgis and lordis of sessioune ad vitam aut culpam, conforme to the act alreadie past in this present parliament, viz: Sir George Erskine of Innerteill, Sir Alexander Gibsone of Durie, Sir Andro Fletcher of Innerpeffer, Sir James Carmichaell, thesaurer depute, Sir Johne Hamiltone, justice clerk, Sir James Lermonth of Balcomie, Sir James McGill of Cranstoneriddell, Sir George Halyburtone of Foderance, Sir Jhone Hoipe of Craighall, Sir Jhone Scott of Scottistarvett, Sir Alexander Falconer of Halkertone, Sir Jhone Leslie of Newtone, Sir Thomas Hoip of Carse, Maistir Adam Hepburne of Humbie and Maistir Archibald Jhonestone of Wareistone. Lyke as his majestie, with advyse and approbatione forsaid, nominate and elected the Erle of Argyle, Lords Angus, Lindsay and Balmerino to be the four extraordinar lords.

The Laird of Moncreif alledgit that Sir Andro Fletcher cannot be maid ane lord of sessioune becaus he hes incurrit the paine contained in the act of parliament and lost his place for buying litigious landis, quhilk he offerit to qualifie and prove. And the kingis majestie and parliament remittis the tryall thairof to the counsale, that incaice Innerpeffer be found guiltie, he may incurr the paine contained in the act of parliament, otherwayis, incaice Moncreif insist thairin and succomb in probatioune, he may be punished at the counsales pleasur according as thay shall think his cariage to demerite.

Appointis the parliament to meitt upon Mooneday at ten hours and the severall bodies in the mein tyme.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 11 1641', f.1(a) v-1(b) v. Back
  2. 'of' repeated. Back