[Committee appointed to consider the business regarding the Prince Elector Palatine; committee appointed to consider the ratifications produced before parliament]

Rege presente.

The kingis majestie desyred the parliament to tak to thair consideratioune the conditioune of Prince Palatine his bussines and what cours is fitting to be takin for testifeing thair respect and affectioune to the said prince. And the parliament thinkis fitt to appoint ane committe to consider thairupon, and for that effect nominates the lord generall, Erle of Eglintone, Erle of Lothiane, Lord Amont for the nobilitie. The baronis and borrowis promeist to give in the names of thair nomber to the clerk.

Appointis the Erle of Southesk and Lord Elphingstone for the nobilitie; the Lairds of Cragievar and Morphie for the baronis; the commissioners of Cowper and Bamf for the borrowis to peruse all the ratificatiounes produced to parliament, that ane catalogue may be maid thairof to be red and past publiklie in parliament.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 11 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Committee appointed to consider the catalogue of acts exhibited before parliament; supplications remitted to committee for regulating the common burdens]

Appointis ane committe to consider the catalogue of all acts exhibited and what of thame ar expedient to be past in parliament, and for that effect nominatis the lord chancellar, Erles of Argyle, Cassillis, Glencairne, Lauderdaill and Lord Lindsay for the nobilitie. The baronis and borrowis promeist to condiscend upon thair nomber to the clerk.

Supplicatione be the generall of the artillerie, craving to be secured of his pensione both for byganes and in tyme coming, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who remittis and refers the supplicatione alsweill anent the ordoring and directing of the artillerie pertening to the publik as anent the saids pensiones, bygane arriers and allowance in tyme coming to the committe nominate for the burthenis of the countrie, and gevis thame warrand to proceid and determine thairintill as ane mater reasonable and expedient for the good of the publik. And earneastie recommendis to the kingis majestie what may concerne his majesties pairt anent the office of generall of the artillerie and yeirlie fieall thairof.

Supplicatione be the Erle of Home and Countes of Home, craving satisfactione for the hous and plenishing of Dunglas, red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who refers the same to the committe for the burthenis of the kingdome.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 11 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Supplications read and committees appointed; acts approved; ratification and supplications to be taken into further consideration; continuation]

Supplicatioune be Alexander Cunynghame, craving satisfactione for his losis and imprisonement, being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament, they refer the same and consideratione thairof to the committe underwritten, viz: Erle of Glencairne and Lord Lindsay for the nobilitie; the Lairdis of Lugtoune and Cambo for the gentrie; the commissioners of Sanct Andrewis and Dumbartane for the borrowis.

Act anent the expensis of the commissioners of shyrs red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the expensis of the commissioners of the shirrefdome of Sutherland red, voitted and past in parliament.

Ratificatione in favours of the Erle of Mortone produced and takin to consideratione.

Supplicatione be Generall Major Baillie, desyring ane favorable answer to his petitione against Lamingtone, produced and takin to consideratione.

Supplicatione be James Achiesoune, craving recommendatione from the parliament to the kingis majestie for recompence of the debt aghtand to him be the Erle of Orknay, produced in parliament, who appoints the personis underwritten to consider thairof and represent the same to the kingis majestie, viz: Erles of Marr, Cassillis, Lothiane, Dalhoussie, Weymis, Lauderdaill, Lords Lindsay, Balmerinoch, Cowper and lord advocat.

Supplicatione be Sir Patrik Drummond, craving to be reponed against ane sentence gevin against him befoir the committee, produced in parliament and takin to consideratione.

Appointis the parliament to meitt the morne at ten hours, and the severall bodies this efternoone.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 11 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back