[Report of the committee for the examination of the Earl of Montrose to be taken into further consideration; report of the committee for the Irish business remitted to each estate]

Rege presente.

The report of the committe for examinatione of the Erle of Montrose red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who takis the same to thair consideratione and to advyse what shall be further done.

The report of the committe for the Irish bussines red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who appointis everie estaite to haif ane dowble thairof to be advysit.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 1 1641', f.1(a) v-1(b) r. Back
  2. PA6/5, 'November 3 1641' includes the text of a protestation by John Stirling of Garden, one of the commissioners for Linlithgowshire, against '... the ratificatione grantit be his majestie and estates of parliament ... in favours of the Universitie of St Androis, principall, regentis, professors and sindrie persones of the same off the gift and mortificatione granted to thame'. Back
[Ratification of the mortification of the bishopric of St Andrews approved; protests against; continuation; amendments to the aforesaid ratification]

Ratificatioune of ane signatour of mortificatione of the bishoprik and pryorie of Sanct Androwis to the universitie thairof red, voitted and past in parliament, with the declarationes, reservationes and protestationes following, viz: it is declaired that the gift and ratificatione shall not prejudge the heritours of the benefite of the valuatione of the teynds of thair landis, ather valued or to be valued, conforme to the act of parliament. And als excepting and reserving out of the mortificatione and ratificatione forsaid the kirks of Hadintone and Linlithgow, quhilks wer dissolved and dismemberit from Sanct Andrewis and disponed to the Erle of Hadintone, and als all rightis graunted be the Duke of Lennox to Sir Alexander Gibsone of Durie of the teynds of his lands. And the persones underwritten protested that the said mortificatione and ratificatione be without prejudice of thair rights to thair lands or teyndis, viz: Sir Jhone Stirling and Sir Thomas Hope for the landis of Uchiltries, Sir William Scott of Harden for [...], Laird of Leslie for Monymusk and Kig, the Laird of Langtone for [...], Erle of Marr for any landis or teyndis belonging to him or disponed be him or his predicessours.

Appointis the severall bodies of estaittis to meitt at two hours efternoone to think upon the best meanis of accommodatione of bussines and bringing the same to ane happie conclusione.

Memorandum anent the ratificatioune of the mortificatione to the Universitie of Sanct Andrewis: it was ordained that the aiker teyndis of Sanct Andrewis excepted in the signatour should be also excepted from the declaratione maid in favours of the heritours for the teyndis of thair landis, valued or unvalued. Item, that the reservatione of the Erle of Hadintone and Lord Durie thair rights should bear this claus: the Erle of Hadintone and Lord Durie payand to the universitie the reddendo contained in thair rightis, gif any be. And siclyke that this claus to be subjoyned: and gif neid beis ordanes ane new gift of mortificatioune to be past and exped at his majesties greate seill, relative to the act of parliament forsaid. All which was instantlie written and addit to the first minutt upon the act. Quhilk act ordaines to be extracted without mentione thairin of the protestatiounes, bot that the protestatiounes written upon the act, or any other quhilk shall be produced be any pairtie pretending interest, may be extracted severallie and apairt as they ar desyred.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 1 1641', f.1(a) v-1(b) r. Back
  2. PA6/5, 'November 3 1641' includes the text of a protestation by John Stirling of Garden, one of the commissioners for Linlithgowshire, against '... the ratificatione grantit be his majestie and estates of parliament ... in favours of the Universitie of St Androis, principall, regentis, professors and sindrie persones of the same off the gift and mortificatione granted to thame'. Back