[M1641/8/52]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Rege presente.
The Erle of Crawfuirds petitione for ane heiring and inlargement being red and continewed whill the morne, and the Lord Amond desyred that all tryall might be takin for cleiring him of some aspersioune laid upon him be the depositione of Captane William Stewart.
Anent the supplicatione presented be Colonell Cochrane craving to be liberate from the tolbuith, the same being voitted, the kingis majestie and estaittes ordanis the supplicant to be liberate from the tolbuith and to be sequestrate in Jhone Smythis hous conforme to the first ordour of the hous, and none to haif acces to him except one servant to attend him.
Continewis the parliament whill the morne at two hours efternoone and ordanes the severall estaittis to meitt at nyne hours.
Appointis the president to subscryve the proclamatione for publishing the articles discharging confluences and convocationes.