[M1641/8/51]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Rege presente.
Report of the lord generall and committe appointed for setting downe some solid course for preveining any prejudice may aryse be the confluence of people to the towne and be thair frequent repair upon the streettis and that all proceidingis may be peaceable and regular, and the haill articles thairof as they ar mendit, with the animadversiones maid thairupon, red, voitted and past in parliament, who also appointis the same to be published be open proclamatioune at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and that the same be printed, and that the same be drawin up in instructiones to the generall from the king and parliament.
The lord generall earnestlie desyred answer to Generall Ruthven his supplicatione from the king and parliament, who declaired that the same should be the first particular quhilk should be answered.
Supplicatione be the Erle of Crawfuird, desyring to be hard in faice of parliament, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who appointis the same to be takin to consideratioune.
Supplicatione be Colonell Cochrane, desyring to be hard in faice of parliament and to be putt forth of the tolbuith, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who appointis the same to be takin to consideratione.
Appointis the parliament to meitt efternoone at thrie hours and the severall estaitts at two hours.