[Lord Loudoun elected chancellor; Lord Almond elected treasurer]

Rege presente.

The kingis majestie reproducit the overture gevin in be Sir Thomas Hoip anent the conditione and provisioune for the Lord Lowdoune his electione to be chancellour, whairof the tennour followis: To voyte to the electioune of the Lord Lowdoune with this declaratioune: that the allowing or disallowing of the Lord Lowdoune to be chancellar being maid be the parliament viva voce shall nawayis be prejudiciall to the cleiring of the two difficulties proponed anent the explanatioune of the act and voyteing be way of billettis, bot that the same may be hard and debaitted in the same estate they now ar, and as gif the parliament had not voyted to the electioune of the Lord Lowdoune, and that his majestie and estaittis of parliament for these questiounes may be in statu quo nunc. Conforme to the which paper and upon the conditione thairin contained, the kingis majestie and estaittis proceidit to the electione and approbatione of the said Lord Lowdoune to be chancellour. And the said Lord Lowdoune, being removed out of the hous, it was putt in voytting whidder the estaittis of parliament wald allow or reject the electioune of the said Lord Lowdoune to be chancellar. And the haill estaittis did unanimouslie allow the said electioune of the Lord Lowdoune to be chancellar, whairupon the estaittis ordaines the clerk to draw up ane act. And als appointis the Marquis of Hamiltoune (to whome the greate seale hath bene intrusted these yeirs bygane) to exhibite the said greate seale in face of parliament the morne to be delyvered to the said Lord Lowdoune, whairupon ordaines the clerk to draw ane act for the said marquis his warrand, and also ane act of exoneratione to the marquis for keiping the said seale the yeirs bygane.

The kingis majestie nominate the Lord Amont to be thesaurer and the Lord Amont producit ane supplicatione craving to be exonered of his charge of lieutenant generall, which was red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who appointis the generall to be acquainted and consulted and in the mein tyme that the clerk may haif the act of his exoneratione and approbatioune of his service drawin up in readines agane the morne to be voitted. And for speiking to the generall heirin, nominatis the Erles of Cassillis and Lothiane, Lairdis of Wauchtone and Wedderburne, commissioners of Sanct Andrewis and Jedburgh.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 29 1641', f.1(a) v. Back
[Supplication remitted to each estate; declaration of Lord Ker submitted to the king; related act approved]

Supplicatione complaning for want of justice and that the lords of sessione refuisis to pass billis red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who appointis everie estaite to haif ane copie thairof to be advysit whill the morne.

The Lord Ker produced ane declaratioune, and delyvered the same to his majestie in presence of the parliament as subscryved be him.

Act and declaratione of his majestie and estaittis of parliament anent the wordis spoken be the Lord Ker concerning the Marquis of Hamiltoune red and agreed unto and subscryved be the president in face of parliament, at command of his majestie and estaittis of parliament.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 29 1641', f.1(a) v. Back