23 Septemb[er] 1641

[Supplication read and committee appointed to consider the proceedings of the supplicants; committees ordered to meet]

Rege presente.

Supplicatioune be the Laird of Wauchtoune, shirreff of Teviotedaill, Riccartoune Drummond, Jhone Smith, Maistir Alexander Wedderburne and Hew Kennedy craving exoneratioune and approbatioune of thair proceidingis in the negociatioune of the treatie, conforme to thair commissioune and instructiounes, red in audience of his majestie and estaites of parliament, who appointis ane committe to be graunted for trying and considering the proceidingis of the supplicantis, and to call for all paperis and depositiones takin heirin be any former committees, and to report the same in plaine parliament. For which effect grauntis commissioune to the Erle of Cassillis and Lauderdaill for the nobilitie, Lairdis of Innes and Cambo for the baronis, commissioneris of Kinghorne and Irwing for the borrowis.

Appointis the committees for the armie, for the ministeris of the north and the forsaid comitte for the commissioneris to meitt efternoone.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 16 1641', f.1(b) r-1(b) v. Back
[Remit of the committee for the distressed ministers in the north; supplication read and continued]

Anent the committe for the ministeris of the north, the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament grauntis power to thame to tak the oathis of the complaineris that they dreid the defenderis bodilie harme in caice they find the taking of the said oathis necessar. And siclyke grauntis thame power to prescryve ane day for expyring of the band and cautioune graunted be Ramsay of Ogill and to take ane new band.

Supplicatioune be Maistir Robert Barclay, craving exoneratione of his employment in the commissioune for the treatie of peace in anno 1639, red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who continewis to give answer thairto whill the morne that the shirref of Teviotedaill may be hard.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 16 1641', f.1(b) r-1(b) v. Back
[Protestation made regarding the officers of state; supplications granted; act for the printing of the acts of parliament of June 1640 remitted to each estate and the lord advocate]

Propositioune maid be the Erle of Argyle that the officiaris of estate who ar of the exchekquhair cannot now sitt inrespect they ar onlie nominate be his majestie and not approvin be the parliament. Takin to consideratione whill the morne.

Supplicatioune be the Laird of Cromlix, craving the gift of his waird and mariage gratis inrespect his predicessour dyed in service of the publik, graunted.

Supplicatioune be the creditouris of the Erle of Stirling, desyring advocatione of some process intentit be some particular persones befoir the shirrefis of Stirling, Clakmannane etc., graunted.

Act anent the printing of the actis of parliament daittit in June 1640, with the wordis of the title page thairof. Appointe ane dowble thairof to be gevin to everie estaite, and ane to the kingis advocate.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 16 1641', f.1(b) r-1(b) v. Back