Hundesimo Augusti 1641

[Manifesto in favour of the Prince Elector Palatine remitted to each estate; petition read; instruments taken]

Rege presente.

His majestie produced ane manifesto printed and emitted in his majesties name in favours of the Prince Electour Palatine and desyred be the parliament of Ingland to be recommendit to the parliament of Scotland. And his majestie desyred that the parliament would take the same to thair consideratione to caus print the same with thair concours and approbatione. The said manifesto being publiklie red, the parliament appointis everie estate to take the same to thair consideratione, that they may be readie to give thair answer the morne.

Petitione be the eldest sones of noblemen, desyring libertie to sitt in the hous of parliament to heir the procedingis thairof, being publiklie red in parliament, whairupon the kingis advocat, at his majesties command, askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Petition read and granted; overture for the commissariat courts remitted to each estate; prisoner apprehended]

Petitione be Sir Jhone Hay, craving libertie of the castle, red in parliament and graunted.

Overturis for the commissariattis red in audience of the parliament, who appointis ane dowble heirof to be gevin to everie estaite that they may be advysed thairwith.

The Erle of Galloway declaired that, conforme to his commissione, he had apprehendit Thomas McKie and should exhibite him befoir the parliament the morne.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Overtures for universities and schools remitted to each estate; committee for revising the acts and articles ordered to meet]

Overturis from the generall assemblie for universities and schools red in parliament. Item, some overturis anent ministers. And appointis everie estaite to haif the dowble thairof, that they may be advysed thairwith. And gif any of thame concerne his majestie moir particularlie, that the note thairof be delyvered to the kingis advocat.

Appointis the committe for revising the articles to meitt efternoone in the laich exchekquhair hous.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Overtures for pacification of the north remitted to each estate; member given leave to attend the army; proclamation regarding the army to be published]

Overturis for pacificatione of the north red in audience of the parliament, who appointis the dowble thairof to be gevin to everie estaite that they may be advysit thairupon.

The parliament gevis libertie to the Laird of Wedderburne to goe to the armie and dispensis with his absens till Tuesday nixt at night.

Appointis the proclamatione maid be the committe for the armie to be published.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Membership of committee for revising the registers continued; proclamation for the dispensation of the sitting of inferior judicatories to be published]

Appointis everie estaite to nominate these whom they will appoint for revising the registers.

The proclamatione for dispensing with the sitting of inferior judicatories to first day of September red in audience of parliament and approvin and appointed to be published.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Overtures regarding the dispute between officers of parliament continued; committee for the plotters appointed to meet; consideration of the macers' bill continued]

Overturis for setling the differences betuix the constable and marshall red, and continewed whill the morne.

Appointis the committe for the plotters to meitt efternoone.

The answers be the Erle of Mareschell to the maissers bill red in audience of parliament, togidder with two actis of counsale lykwayis produced for the Erle Mareshall, quhilks appointis the maissers to sie whill the morne and to produce thair answers in writt.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Membership of the committee for the accounts continued; absence of member remitted to the barons; member excused]

Appointis everie estaite to think upon the committe for the accompte and to give in thair thoughts in writt.

The Laird of Dun desyred libertie for thrie dayis absence, whairanent the parliament remittis him to the baronis.

The estaittis excusis the Lord Burghlie his absence whill Moneday come eight dayis, being the 30 of this instant.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back