Decimo septimo Augusti 1641

[Protest of the lord advocate regarding his place in parliament; ratification of the acts of the treaty continued]

The kingis majestie present in parliament.

Advocat producit ane protestatioune declairing that albeit he obeyed ane ordinance of the hous allowing him to sitt in parliament without voitting, yit protestit that his obedience prejudge not him or his successours of the liberties and priviledgis of his place dew to him and thame as the same producit be him in paper beirs.

His majestie present in his royall persone offerit himselfe readie to ratifie the actis of parliament approvin be the treatie; and the estaittis of parliamant desyrit his majestie to continew the samyn to the nixt sessione of parliament, quhilk is appoynted to be the morne at nyne hours; upon the quhilk humble desyre his majestie, though most unwilling to haif the least delay and most desyrous of greatest expeditione, condiscendit to give that tyme of advysement.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 17 1641', f.1(a) r. Back
[Deputation of the estates to consult with the king; order for the imprisonment of Sir William Cockburn of Langton, usher, rescinded]

It was moved by the Erle of Argyle that in caice any thing debaittable should occurr to be proponed in parliament, then two of ilk estate should be sent to speik thairupon to his majestie privatlie befoir hand. And upon the humble suite of the parliament, the kingis majestie approved the same motione and condiscendit thairrto.

Whairas the Laird of Langtone was commandit to goe to the castle be his majesties warrand for taking upone him without knowledge or directione from his majestie to goe befoir the king as isher with ane rode in his hand, yit his majestie declairit that since this was the first day of his appeirance in this parliament he wald deale so bountifullie with his subjectis that none should be imprisoned. And thairfoir his majestie commandit Langtone to keep his chamber whill the morne, that the mater might be hard and setled anent his clame to the office of isherie.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 17 1641', f.1(a) r. Back