Protestatione and declaratioune toune of Renfreue againes the toune of Dumbartanes ratificatione

In presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament compeired personallie Johne Spreule, commissioner for the burghe of Renfrew, and protestit in name of the said burghe that the ratificatione granted in this present parliament in favoures of the burghe of Dumbartane of ther rightes and infeftmentes mentionat in the said ratificatione may be declaired be the king's majestie and estates of parliament to be nowayes prejudiciall to the said burghe of Renfrew, proveest, baillies, counsell and commonty therof, and to ther infeftmentes, liberties and priviledges of the said burghe mentionat and conteyned in ther ancient infeftments and rightes therof; and therwpoun the said Johne Spreull, commissioner foirsaid, askit instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.364v. Back