Protestatioun toune of Glasgou aganes the toune of Rutherglenes ratificatioune

In the parliament haldin at Edinburghe, the sevinteene day of November, the yeere of God jM vjC fourtie ane yeeres, the quhilke day Patrik Bell, late proveist of Glasgow and commissioner to this present parliament for the said burghe of Glasgow, protestit for the said burghe and in name and behalfe of the proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie therof, that the ratificatione granted be the kingis majestie and estates of this present parliament in favoures of the burghe of Rutherglen of the chartour of confirmatione granted be his majesties umquhile darrest father to the proveist, baillies, counsell and comontie of Rutherglen, daited the tuentie ane day of Merche, jM vjC and sevinteene yeeres, confirmeing all and whatsomevir chartores and infeftmentes, preceptes, instrumentes of seasing, actes, decreetes and sentances with all donationes, priviledges and immunities thairin contenit granted be his majesties most noble progenitoures in favoures of the said burghe and induelleres therof, and speciallie ane chartour granted be King James the Fyfte in favoures of the said burghe of Rutherglen, daited the tuelt day of Junii, jM vC fourtie tua yeeres, togidder with all otheres chartores, donationes, infeftments, rightes and priviledges granted to and in favoures of the said burgh of Rutherglen, particularlie and generallie mentionat in the foirsaid ratificatione, as the samene ratificatione of the dait heerof in the selfe more fullie proportes, sould be allwayes without prejudice to the said burgh of Glasgow, proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie thairof anent ther infeftmentes, rightes, priviledges, liberties and immunities granted to and in favoures of the said burghe of Glasgow and to the proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burghe of Glasgow, and that the samene infeftmentes, rightes, priviledges, liberties and immunities foirsaidis made, granted and perteaneing to the foirsaid burghe of Glasgow, proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie therof be nowayes impaired, hurt nor prejudged be the foirsaid ratificatioun granted to and in favoures of the said burghe of Rutherglen; and heerwpoun the said Patrik Bell, commissioner foirsaid, in name and behalfe of the said burghe of Glasgow, askit act and instruments.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.363r-363v. Back