Protestatioun Laird Giffen aganes the Colledge of Glasgoues ratification of the beshoprike of Gallouay

In presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament compeered personallie Sir Harie Montgomerie of Giffen, knycht, and protestit that the ratificatione granted in this present parliament in favoures of the Universitie and Colledge of Glasgow off ther gifte of the rentes of beshoprike of Galloway, pryorie of Tungland and abbacie of Glenluce annexit to the said beshoprike should be allwayes but prejudice to the said Harie Montgomerie of Giffen, his aires and successoures of his infeftmentes and otheres rightes of the abbacy of Tungland; and therwpoun askit instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.362v-363r. Back