Protestatione Marques of Hammiltoun aganes the Duke of Lennox ratificatioune

In presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament James, marques of Hamiltoun, personallie present, protestit that the ratificatione granted in this present parliament in favoures of James, duike of Lennox of the gifte and infeftment granted be the kingis majestie to him of the barrony, regality and temporalitie of the beshoprike of Glasgow and otheres respective conteent in the said ratificatione should be allwayes but prejudice to the said James, marques of Hammiltoune and his aires and successoures anent any infeftmentes, rightes, liberties and priviledges granted to the said marques and his authoures and predicessoures; and thairupoun askit instruments.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.361v. Back