Protestatioun and declaratioun Erle of Kinnoull againes Patrike Ruthvens ratificatioune

In presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament compeered Robert Hepburne, advocat, as procurator for and in name and behalfe of George, erle of Kinnoule, and protestit that this declaratione fallowing, viz: 'It is heerby expreslie provydit and ordenit that the rehabilitatione granted be our soverane lord to and in favoures of Patrik Ruthven, brother to umquhile Johne, somtyme erle of Gowrie, with the ratificatioune of the parliament interponit thairto, shall be nowayes hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the said George, erle of Kinnoule and Sir James McGill of Cranstounriddell, knycht, ane of the senatoures of the colledge of justice, of ther rightes and possessioune of the landis of Cousland, teyndis and haill pertinentes thairof, and of ane ludging and duellinge house in the toune of Pearth, bot that notwithstanding of the rehabilitatione and ratificatioune and reductione of the act of parliament in anno jM vjC yeeres the said Erle of Kinnoule and Lord Cranstounriddell, thair aires and successoures shall brooke and possess the said ludging and duelling house in Pearthe, and the saidis landis of Cousland, haill teyndis and pertinentes thairof, conforme to thair rightes, securitie and possessione, quhilke the said Patrike Ruthven, his aires or successoures shall never be hard to quarrell or impunge in ony sort' might be insert in the foirsaid ratificatione granted in favoures of the said Patrik Ruthven. Quhilke declaratione foirsaid his majestie and estates of parliament ordenit to be insert in the said Patrike Ruthven his ratificatione, quhilke wes accordinglie done; quhairwpoun the said Robert Hepburne, in name of the said Erle of Kinnoull and Lord Cranstounriddell, askit instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.360r. Back