Ratificatione in favoures of the Laird of Dallmahoy

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves in favoures of Sir Johne Dallmahoy of that ilke, knycht, his aires and assigneyes, the tua chartoures wnderwrittin, the ane therof made, givine and granted be his hienes umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie to umquhile Alexander Dallmahoy, then of that ilke, his aires and assigneyes whatsomevir heritablie, off all and haill the landis and barrony of Dallmahoy and Over Libbertoun, with ther pertinentes, lyand within the shereffdome of Edinburghe, wpoun the said umquhile Alexander Dallmahoy, his owne resignatione, and the new gifte, donatione and dispositione therinconteaned, made and granted be our said umquhile soverane lord to the said umquhile Alexander Dallmahoy, his aires and assigneyes foirsaidis, off all and haill the saidis landis and barrony of Dallmahoy and Overlibbertoun, with the castelles, toures, fortalices, houss, biggingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, dowcattes, toftes, croftes, outsettes, annexis, connexis, dependences, parkes, forrestes, mures, midowes, moss, brayes, mylnes, woodis, fishingis, coilles, coillheuches, tennents, tennendries, service of free tennentes, pairtes, pendicles and all ther pertinentes, and of all richt, tytle, entres, cleame of right, propertie and possessione, petitour and possessour, quhilkis his hienes his predicessoures hade, hes or might pretend to the samene or any pairt thairof, or to the mailles, fermes, proffittes and dewties of ony yeeres or termes then bygone be ony maner of reassone, way, caus, actione or occasione, speciallie and generallie mentionat in the said chartour, and the unioun, annexatione, creatioun and incorporatione of the samene landis, barronyes and otheres abovewrittin, with the pertinentes, in ane haill and frie barrony to be callit the barrony of Dallmahoy, quhairof the toure and fortalice of Dallmahoy is ordeaned to be the principall messuage, and the gifte, donatione and dispositione contenit in the said chartour made and granted be his hienies said umquhile darrest father to the said umquhile Alexander, his aires and assigneyes foirsaidis, of the right of patronage of prebendaries wnderwrittin, viz: of the prebendarie of Halfe Dallmahoy, Halfe Haltoun, Halfe Bonyntoun and Halfe Platte, foundit within the colledge kirke of Corstorphine, perteaneing of befor to the archbeshoprike of Santandrois and lairdis of Corstorphine alternatis vicibus, and thane perteyneing to his hienes said umquhile darrest father and become at his hienes dispositione be vertew of the act of annexatione of the kirke landis and rentes of this realme to the croune in maner mentionat in the said chartour, and annexing therby the said right of patronage of the saidis prebendaries of the said barrony of Dallmahoy to remaine inseperablie therwith in tymecomeing; and ordeaneing that ane seasing to be takine be the said umquhile Alexander and his foirsaidis thane and in all tymecomeing at the said principall messuage of Dallmahoy, to stand and be ane sufficient seasing for all and haill the saidis landis and barrony of Dallmahoy, comprehending therin the landis, barronyes and otheres aboverehearsit, unit and annexit therto, and for the said right of patronage of the saidis prebendaries alternatis vicibus also annexit to the said barrony with dispensatione theranent in maner specified in the said chartour, all to be holdin of our soverane lord and his hienes successoures in fie heritadge and free barrony for yeerlie payment to his hienes and his successoures of the rightes and services usit and wont, and wherby the waird, nonentres, releeffe and mariage of the aires, sua ofte as the samene shall fall in the handis of his hienes or his successoures, are taxit and disponit to the said umquhile Sir Alexander and his foirsaidis for payment of the particulare soumes therfor mentionat in the said chartour, quhilke is wnder the great seale of this kingdome off the dait at Faulkirke, the tent day of August, the yeer of God jM fyve hundreth fourscoir eighteene yeeres. And the uther of the saidis chartoures made, givine and granted be his hienes said umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie, with advyse and consent of the lordis of his hienes secreet counsell of Scotland, his hienes commissioneres there for the tyme, and of his hienes thesaurer, collector and comptroller deput therin named for the tyme, be the quhilke chartour his hienes said umquhile darrest father, with consent foirsaid, hes ratified, approvine and, for his hienes and his successoures, perpetuallie confirmed the chartour of alienatioune and dispositione made, givine and granted be the said umquhile Alexander Dallmahoy to Barbara Lindesay, dochter laufull to umquhile Barnard Lindesay of Lochhill, now spous to Sir Johne Dallmahoy, eldest laufall sone and than appeerand air to the said umquhile Alexander, now of that Ilk, knycht, in hir poore virginitie, in lyferent for all the dayes of hir lyftyme, of all and haill the maynes of Dallmahoy, conteyneing and comprehending therin the landis callit the Newehouse and Burnewynd, with the tour, fortalice, maner place of Dallmahoy, dowcates, yairdis, orchyairdis, toftes, croftes, pairtes, pendicles and services of all and haill the said maynes of Dallmahoy, with the pertinentes, than possest and occupyed be the said umquhile Alexander, with his owne proper goodis, and be George Steell and James Phinnie in Newehouse and James Beshope of Burnewynd; and of all and haill that corne mylne of Dallmahoy with the mylne landis, houss, biggingis, multoures, sequelles therof and ther pertinentes as they wer then possest and collected be the said umquhile Alexander and his tennentes, lyand within the said barrony of Dallmahoy and sherefdome of Edinburgh, and made, givine and granted to the said Sir Johne Dallmahoy and the aires maile than laufullie to have procreat betuixt him and the said Barbara Lindesay, his spous, quhilkis failyieing, to the aires maile of the said Sir Johne laufullie to be procreat of his own body, quhilkes failying, to his nerrest and laufull aires maile beereand the surname and armes of Dallmahoy and ther assigneyes heritablie, off all and haill the saidis landis and barrony of Dallmahoy, speciallie comprehendit therintill, the saidis landis and barrony of Over Libbertoun with the castelles, toures, fortalices, houss, biggingis, yairdis, toftes, croftes, outsettes, annexis, connexis, dependences, parkes, forrest, mures, midowes, moss, brayes, mylnes, woodis, fishingis, coalles, coillheuches, tennents, tennendries, service of frie tennentes, pairtes, pendicles and all ther pertinentes, with the said right of patronage callit Halfe Dallmahoy, Halfe Haltoune, Halfe Bonyntoune and Halfe Platt foundit within the said paroche kirke of Corstorphine, alternatis vicibus annexit to the said barrony, reserveing allwayes to the said umquhile Alexander his lyferent of all and haill the toune and landis of Dallmahoy and Overlibbertoun, with the tennentes, tennendries, service of free tennentes and pertinentes therof, for all the dayes of his lyftyme, to be holdine of our said umquhile soverane lord and his hienes successoures, superioures therof, in maner specified in the said chartour of alienatione and disposition confirmit, quhilke is of the dait the tent day of Junii, the yeer of God jM vjC and ellevine yeeres, in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, articles, conditiones, formes and circumstances therof whatsomevir, with dispensatione anent the seasing takine wpoun the said chartour and precept of seasing thairincontenit befoir the said confirmatione in maner mentionat in the samene chartour and confirmatione granted be his hienes said umquhile darrest father, with consent foirsaid theranent, wnder his hienes great seale of the said kingdome of Scotland, off the dait the eight day of Februar, the yeere of God jM vjC and fourteene yeeres, as the saidis tua chartoures of the daites respective foirsaidis in themselffes at mair lenth beeres; and the said chartour of alienatione and dispositione ingrossit and confirmed in the said last chartour with the precept of seasing and seasing falloweing therwpoun, and the procuratorie and instrument of resignatione wheron the first chartour abovewrittin proceedit and precept of seasing and seasing falloweing therwpoun, off whatsomevir daittes, tennour or contentes the samene be of, in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairincontenit, and eftir the forme and tennour thairof in all poyntes. And our said soverane lord and estates of parliament willes and grantes and, for his hienes and his successoures, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione is and shall bee alse effectuall and sufficient and of alse great strenth, force and effect to the said Sir Johne Dallmahoy and Dame Barbara Lindesay, his spous, ther aires maile and assigneyes for brookeing of the saidis landis, barronyes, advocatione, donatione and right of patronage and others foirsaidis as if the saidis chartoures and rightes speciallie and generallie abovewrittin wer all at lenth de verbo in verbum insert and contenit in this present ratificatione, notwithstanding the samene be not sua done, with the whilke, and with all other defectes, imperfectiones and objectiones quhilkis may be proponit or alledged in the contrair and aganes the samene or ony of them validities therof, and this present ratificatione of the samene, our said soverane lord and esteates of parliament hes dispensit and, be thir presentes, dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.351v-352v. Back
  2. Instead of 'Faulkirke' APS inserts 'Faulkland' in square brackets. Back
  3. Instead of 'poore' APS inserts 'pure' in square brackets. Back