Ratificatione in favoures of James Maxwell of Innerweek

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the chartour made and granted be his majestie, wnder his hienes great seale, off the dait at Edinburghe, the tuentie fyfte day of Julii, the yeer of God jM vjC therttie sex yeeres, to and in favoures of his majesties trustie and familiare servitour, James Maxwell of Innerweek, his aires and successoures therinspecified, off the advocatione, donatioune and right of patronage of the kirke of Gulane, quhilke is now callit the kirke of Dirletoune, personage and viccarage therof, with all and sindrie teynds, fruites, rentes, emolumentes and dewties perteaneing and belonging therto, to be holdine of his majestie in free blensche, as in the said infeftment of the dait foirsaid at mair lenth is contenit; togidder also with the haill other infeftmentes granted to the said James or umquhile Johne, erle of Mare, his author, as lord of erectione of the lordshipe of Cardros, wherof the said kirke of Dirltoun wes ane pairt, and fra the quhilke Johne, erle of Marre the said James Maxwell, his right of the said kirke of Dirletoun proceedis, and speciallie, but prejudice of the generalitie foirsaid, the lettir of ratificatione and renunciatione wnder the great seale granted be his majestie to the said umquhile Johne, erle of Mar, his aires maill and assigneyes, and conceaved in favoures of whatsomevir persone or persones who had acquyred right fra the said erle of any kirkes or teyndis of the said erected lordshipe of Cardros, wherof the said kirke of Gulene is ane pairt as said is, quhairby his majestie hes ratified and approvine the infeftment of erectione of the said lordshipe of Cardros, with the act of dissolutione of the abbacies and pryories of Dryburghe and Inchmahomo quhairwpoun the samene proceedis, and hes renunced all right and tytle quhilke his majestie may have for quarrelling of the samene, as in the said letter of ratificatione and renunciatione of the dait the fourteene day of Julii jM vjC therttie four yeeres at mair lenth is conteyned, in the haill heedis, articles, clauss and conditiones specified and conteenit in the saidis infeftments, ratificationes, renunciationes, generallie and particularlie abovespecified, and declaires this present ratificatione to be alse effectuall as if the samene wer insert per expressum. Attoure his majestie and estates of parliament, for the said James Maxwell, his farder securitie, and alse for securitie of all otheres haveing right to the kirkes or teyndis of the said erected lordshipe of Cardrose, ather floweing from the said umquhile Johne, erle of Mare or from umquhile Harie, lord Cardroise, his sone, or David, now lord Cardrose, his oy, off the kirkes and teyndis of the saidis abbacies and pryories of Dryburghe, Cambusekenneth and Inchmahomo, quhilk were erected in the said temporall lordshipe of Cardros or any pairt or portion therof, hes of new dissolved and, be thir presentes, dissolves, extinguishes and suppresses the saidis abbacies and pryories with the name and memorie therof for evir, and declaires the samene to have beene fullie and alltogidder supprest and extinguished be the rightes and actes of parliament made in favores of the said umquhile Johne, erle of Marr, his aires maile and successoures of the said lordshipe of Cardrois, and to be so in all tymecomeing.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.349r-349v. Back