Ratificatione in favors of Laird Aitkine

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the warrand delyverance of the lords of secreet counsell granted in favoures of the takismen of the teynd herring of Dumbar, quhairby it is ordeanit that none of the fisheres and couperes of herring attending the herring drove and fishing at Dumbar presume nor take wpoun hand to weit thair nettis or buy any herring till first they come to the admirall, his deputes or clerkes resident at Dumbarre, and give wpe to him the name of the skipper and owner of ther boat, and that they act themselffes to keepe ordour the tyme of the fishing, and that they shall make payment of the assyse, teynd and other dewties payable be them, and alse that they shall requyre and thankfullie pay ther teynd before they depairt, wnder the paine of tuentie pund to be payed be the owner of the boat if he be present, and if he be absent by the skipper, by and attour the reparatioune of the wronges to be done be them to any of the leidges, beereing certificatione to them that failyies that they shall be decerned to have incurred the said paine and executione shall pas againes theme for payment therof and for satisfaction of the pairties skaithed, in the haill heedis, articles and circumstances therof. And willis that this order shall be keeped and observed in all tyme comeing, and that letters be past be the lordis of secreet counsell to the effect foirsaid.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.340v-341r. Back
  2. This piece of legislation has been incorrectly titled in the manuscript. APS has substituted the wrong title for '[Ratification of a delyverance of the secreit counsell in favouris of the takisman of the teind hering at Dumbar]'. Back