Ratificatione in favoures of the Laird of Niddrie of his infeftment of Nidrie Mershall

Our soverane lord and estates of this present parliament hes ratified and approvine and, be thir presentes, ratifies and approves the chartour granted be his majestie, with consent of his hienes thesaurer, thesaurer deput and remanent lordis of his majesties exchekker, wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait the tuentie ane day of Januar, the yeere of God jM vjC therttie tuo yeeres, to his majesties lovit Sir Johne Wauchope of Niddriemershell, knycht, therin designit Johne Wauchope, his aires maill and assigneyes whatsomevir, off all and haill the landis and barrony of Nidriemershell, alsweell the tua pairt as third pairt therof, with maner places, houss, biggingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, mylnes, multoures, coalles, coallheuches, annexis, connexis, parts, pendicles and all ther pertinentes, with the advocatione, donatioune and right of patronage of the kirke or chappell of Niddriemershell, and alse of all and haill the landis of Pillmure, with the pertinents, all lyand within the shereffdome of Edinburghe; and alse conteaneing ane ratificatione of tua infeftmentes, ane thairof made be umquhile Sir James Sandilandis of Slamano, knycht, to Maister James Sandilandis, comissaire of Abirdene, his aires and assigneyes of the saidis landis and barrony of Nidriemershell, with ther foirsaidis and right of patronage abovespecified, and the wther therof made be the said Maister James Sandilandis, with consent of Katherine Patersone, his spous, and Maister Thomas Sandilandis, his eldest sone, to the said Sir Johne Wauchope, his aires maile and assigneyes of the lands, barrony and otheres abovespecified; and sicklyke conteaneing ane new gifte granted be his majestie, with consent foirsaid, to the said Sir Johne Wauchope and his foirsaidis, off the samene landis, barrony and wtheres respective abovespecified. And lykewayes ratifies and approves ane other chartour made be his majestie, with consent foirsaid, wnder his hienes great seill, of the dait the third day of Julii, the yeere of God jM vjC therttie sevine yeeres, to the said Sir Johne Wauchope, his aires maile and assigneyes whatsomevir, off all and haill the toune and lands of Ravellrige, with houss, biggingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, toftes, croftes, onsettis, outsettes with commontie, commoun pasturage, mures, moss, midowes and all ther pairtes, pendicles and pertinents of the said toune and landis of Ravillrige, with the priviledge, within the haill commontie of Balerno, with the pertinentes, alsweell for pasturage as for wining and transporting of peites, fewell, faill and devot and turves, conforme to old use and wont allenerlie, lyand within the barrony of Balerno and shereffdome of Edinburghe, as baith the saidis chairtoures of the daits respective foirsaidis in themsellfes mor fullie proportes, togidder with the preceptes and instrumentes of seasing falloweing upoun the saidis chartours, togidder with all and sindrie otheres infeftmentes, chartoures, seasingis, confirmationes and otheres evidentes, rightes and securities made to the said Sir Johne Wauchope, his predicessoures and authores, off and conserning the landis, barrony, right of patronage and otheres respective abovespecified, off whatsomevir daites, tennores or contentes the samene be of, in all and sindrie heedis, clauss, articles and conditiones conteanit therintill, and eftir the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes. And his majestie and estates of this present parliament willes and grantes that this present ratificatione sall be alse good, valied and sufficient as if the saidis chartoures, infeftmentes and otheres speciallie and generallie abovementionat were heerin speciallie ingrossit and insert, quhairanent our said soverane lord and estates foirsaidis hes dispensit and dispenses be thir presentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.332v-333r. Back