Ratificatione in favoures of Johne Innes of Leuchares

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the signatour and gifte and dispositioune conteanit thairin, superscryved be his majestie, to and in favoures of Johne Innes of Leuchares, his aires maill and assigneyes of the bailliarie of the lordshipe and regalitie of Spinye and constabularie of the castell thairof, and keeping of the wood and loche of the same with the accustomed fies and three hundreth pundis Scotes mair for wpholding of the said castell, to be haldine of the kingis majestie and his successoures for payment of the blenshe dueties conteaned in the said signatour in maner thairinspecified, quhilk is daited at Halyrudhous, the first day of October last, with the chartour, precept and instrument of seasing to fallow thairwpoun, in all and sindrie heedis, articles, clauss, and circumstances thairof. And willis and grantes, and for his majestie and his successours, with consent of the estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes that the foirsaid ratificatione and confirmatione is and shall be of alse great availl, force, strenth and effect to the said Johne Innes, his aires maill and assigneyes as if the foirsaid signatour wer word be word exprest heerin; and alse as if the chartour, precept and instrument of seasing to fallow thairwpoun wer also exprest herein; quhairanent, and with all that may fallow thairwpoun, his majestie and estates of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.301r-301v. Back