Ratificatione in favours of the Erle of Findlatere

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and confirmes the signatour, daited the therteene day of November instant, superscryved be his majestie, granted to and in favours of James, erle of Findlater, lord Desfuird, his aires and successoures, in the right of the landis and liveing of Findlater and Desfurd, with the chartour, precept and instrument of seasing to fallow therwpon, off all and haill the lands of Clochmarie, alias Ladyland, with the pertinentes, with the office of heritable bailliarie of the landis and barrony of Strathylay, with the haill liberties, priviledges and immunities perteaneing to the said office, and wherof the said erle and his predicessoures hes bene in possessione at any tyme bygone, in maner specified in the said signatour, in all and sindrie heedis, articles, clauss and circumstances therof. And his majestie willis and grantes, and for his hienes and his successoures, with consent of the estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes that this present confirmatione is and shall be of alse great availl, force, strenth and effect to the said James, erle of Findlater and his foirsaidis as if the foirsaid signatour, with the chartour, precept and instrument of seasing to fallow therwpoun, wer word be word insert herein; quhairanent his majestie and estates of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenses for evir, to the effect the saidis landis, office and otheres foirsaidis contenit in that signatour may remaine with the said James, erle of Findlater and his foirsaidis as ther owne proper heritadge, heritablie and irredeemeablie in all tymecomeing, to be holdine of his majestie and his successoures in maner specifiit in the said signatour and conforme to the tennour therof and chartour, precept and instrument of seasing to fallow wpoun the said signatour.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.294r-294v. Back