Ratificatione in favoures of the Marques of Hammiltoune

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the infeftment and new gifte with the wnione, annexatione and incorporatione therinconteined, made and granted be his majestie, with advyce and consent of his hienes right trust cusignes and counselloures, the thesaureres principall and deput and of the remanent lordis of excheker, wnder his majesties great seale, to his hienes right trust cusigne and counsellour James, marqueis of Hamiltoun, erle of Arrane and Cantabridge, lord Aven and Innerdaill, his aires maill and assigneyes whatsomevir heritablie and irredeemeablie without any maner of reversione, redemptione or regres whatsomevir, off all and haill the landis and barrony of Monkeland wnderwrittine, conteaneing the landis, mylnes, and otheres efterrehearsit with the propertie, superioritie and tennendrie of the samene, as they are particularlie eftir designed, viz: off all and haill the landis of Peddirsburne and Bromysyd and the propertie therof, with the mylne of Peddirsburne, mylnelandis, multores and sequelles of the samene, with the castle, toure, fortalice, maner place, houss, biggingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, toftes, croftes, outsetes, doucates, coilles, coaleheuches, wodis, forrests, parkes, pasturages, pairtes, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependences and all ther pertinentes, as also of all and sindrie the landis of Ruchsalloche, Gairtlie and Arnbutkuill, the lands of Airdrie and mylne of the samene, the landis of Bizards, the landis of Kipbyres, the landis of Bradanhill, the lands of Gravarie and Garcluseane, the landis of Glentoris, the landis of Kippis, the landis of Dundevane and Denebanke, the landis of Souterhouse and Piddochane and superioritie of the samene, with pairtes, pendicles, tennentes, tennendries, service of free tennentes and all ther pertinentes, togidder with advocatione, donatione and right of patronage of the paroche kirkes of Calder and Monkeland, all lyand within the barrony of Monkeland and shereffdome of Lanarke, and to be haldine of our soverane lord and his hienes successoures in fie heritadge and free barrony and free forrest for evir, for the yeerlie payment to our said soverane lord and his hienes successoures of the soume of thertie tuo pundis therteene shillings and four pennyes usuall money of this realme of Scotland at the feist of Whitsonday in name of blenshe ferme, and that in pairt of payment of the blensche ferme conteanit in the chartour and infeftment of the said barrony granted be his majesties darrest father to umquhill Sir James Cleland of Monkeland, knycht, and in the chartour and infeftment granted be his hienes said umquhill darrest father to umquhill Thomas, erle of Haddingtoune, designed therby Sir Thomas Hammiltoune of Bining, knycht, advocat for the tyme to his majesties said umquhill darrest father, authour to the said umquhill Sir James Cleland, and for releeffe of the said umquhile Sir James Cleland, of the said umquhill Thomas, erle of Haddingtone, thaire aires and successoures of sua meekle of the said fewferme as for the proportionall pairt therof correspondent to the saidis landis and barrony of Monkeland, comprehending therintill the particular landis abovespecifit, propertie, superiore and tennendrie therof respective and otheres particularlie abovedesigned allenerlie, quhilke chairtour is of the dait at Halyrudhouse, the nyntteene day of November, the yeer of God jM vjC therttie nyne yeeres, togidder with the precept and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun in all and sindrie heedis, articles, clauss and conditiones therineconteyned, eftir the forme and tennour therof in all poyntes. And willis and declaires that this present ratificatione shall be alse valied, effectuall and sufficient to his majesties said traiste cusigne James, marquees of Hammiltoune, his aires maill and assigneyes foirsaidis as if the chartour and infeftment abovewrittin, precept and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun wer at lenth word be word insert heerintill, quhairanent his majestie, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of parliament, dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.276v-277r. Back
  2. APS suggests 'Arnbuckmill' in square brackets. Back
  3. APS suggests 'Riyairds' in square brackets. Back
  4. APS suggests 'Gartluscane' in square brackets. Back
  5. APS suggests 'Paddochane' in square brackets. Back
  6. The words 'as if the charter' are repeated in the manuscript. Back