Ratificatione in favoures of Maister Laurence Scotte

Our soverane lord and estates of parliamente ratifies and approves the tuo severall infeftmentes and chartoures both maid, givine and granted be our soverane lord the kingis majestie, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaureres, comptrolleres and collectoures principall and deputies and remanent lordis of his hienes excheker of Scotland, his hienes commissioneres, the one therof to and in favours of umquhill Laurence Scote of Harprige, advocat, his aires maill and asigneyes whatsomevir heritablie, off all and sindrie the landis of tua Bavillais, als Bewlais, commonlie callit Eister and Wester Bavillais, with the toure, fortalice, maner place, houss, bigginges, yairdes, midowes, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes therof whatsomevir, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburghe, wpoun the resignatione of umquhill Sir Walter Dundas of that ilke, knycht, to be holdine of his majestie and his hienes successoures in fie and heritadge in maner specified in the said chartour, quhilke is wnder his hienes great seale of the dait the fyfteene day of Merche, the yeer of God jM vjC tuentie eight yeeres; and the other of the saidis chartores made and granted to Maister Laurence Scot, now of Ballvillais, third laufull sone to the said umquhill Laurence Scot, then of Harparrigge and the aires maill thane laufullie to have bene gottine of his owne bodie, quhilkis failyieing, to Maister Williame Scot of Clerkingtoune, eldest laufull sone to the said umquhill Laurence, and his nerrest and laufull aires maill and assigneyes quhatsomevir heritablie, of all and sindrie the landis and otheres wnderwrittin, viz: off all and sindrie the landis of Buitlandis and Buitlandhill, comprehending therin the landis of Ovirtoun of Buitlandis, the landis of Nether Toune of Buitland, the landis of Buitlandhill and the landis of Loneheed, with all and sindrie the houss, bigingis, yairdis, toftes, croftes, outsettes, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes therof whatsomevir, lyand within the parochine of Currie and the said shereffdome of Edinburghe; and of all and sindrie the saidis landis of the tua Bavillais, als Bewlais, commonlie callit Eister and Wester Bavillais, with the tour, fortalice, maner place, houss, biggingis, yairdis, midowes, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes thairof whatsomevir, lyand as said is, wpoun the resignatione of the said umquhill Laurence Scote, to be holdine of our said soverane lord and his hienes successoures in fie and heritadge for evir in maner specified in the said chartour, quhilke is wnder his hienes great seale of the dait the fourtene day of December, the yeer of God jM vjC and thertie fyve yeeres, as the saidis tuo chartors of the daites respective foirsaidis in themselfes at more lenthe beeres; with the procuratories and instrumentes of resignatione wherone the saidis chartours and ather of them proceedit and precepts of seasing and instrumentes of seasing falloweing wpoun the saidis chartours, and ather of them, of whatsomevir daites, tennour or contentes the samene be of in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairinconteaned, and efter the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes. And our said soverane lord and estates of parliament wills and grantes and, for his hienes and his successours, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione of the saidis chartours and rightes speciallie and generallie abovewrittin is and shall be of alse great force, strenth and effect to the said Maister Laurence Scote, his aires maill and of tailyie abovespecified, for bruiking and holding of the said landis and otheres abovewrittin in maner thairinconteanit perpetuallie, as if the samene chartours and rightes wer all at lenth de verbo in verbum heerine ingrossit and contenit, notwithstanding the samene be not sua done, quhairanent, and with all other defectes, imperfectiones and objectiones quhilkis may be proponit againes the saidis charteres and rightes, or any of them, and validities of the samene, or this present ratificatione thairof, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.274v-275v. Back