Commissioune anente the reedifieing of the bridge of Pearthe

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament, considering that forsameikle as it hes pleased his sacred majestie to give, grant and dispone to the proveist, baillies and counsell of the burghe of Pearth and there successoures for the use of bigging of ther bridge situat upoun the water of Tay, all and whatsomevir soumes of money restand auchtand to his majestie of whatsomevir taxationes granted be his majestie or his umquhill father of eternall memorie at any tyme preceeding the moneth of Junii jM vjC therttie three yeers, and that alssweell the ordinarie as extraordinarie of annuellrentes with whatsomevir soumes of money and victuall due to his majestie for whatsomevir bygone few mailles, few fermes and other dueties of his majesties propertie and proper landis and of the kirke lands annexit to the croune and blenshe dewties of erected lordshipes of whatsomevir yeeres and termes preceeding the first day of Januar jM vjC fourtie one in maner specified in the signatour superscryved be his majestie theranent to be past his majesties privie seill, daited the [...] day of November instant. And forsameikell as his majestie and estates thinkes the course for reedifieing the said bridge most fitte and expedient, thairfor his majestie and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and confirmes the foirsaid signatour and gifte in all and sindrie heedis, articles and circumstances therof, and willis and grantes and, for his majestie and his successoures, with consent of the estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes this present confirmatione to be alse sufficient and effectuall to the saidis proveistes, baillies and counsell of the said burghe of Pearth, present and to come, as if the foirsaid signatoure and gifte therine wer word bee word insert heerin, wheranent, and withall that may fallow therwpoun, his majestie and estates of parliament dispenses for evir, to the effect the foirsaidis taxationes, soumes of money, few and blensche dewties, victuell and otheres disponit in the foirsaid signatour may be wplifted be the saidis proveist, baillies and counsell of Pearth and there commissioneres or factoures in ther names for the use of the bigging of the foirsaid bridge in maner specified in the said signatour.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.272v-273r. Back
  2. Incorrect headings have been attributed to the previous and following pieces of legislation. These have been altered in APS so that the following is entitled '[Ratificatione to the toune of Pearth]'. Back