[1641/8/345]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, hes ratified and approven and, be thir presentes, ratifies and approves the lettir of take made and set be his majestie wnder his hienes privie seale of the dait the second day of September jM vjC fourtie ane yeers, quhairby his majestie, with consent of his hienes thesaureres, comptrolleres and collectour of this kingdome, and of the new and old augmentationes of the same, and with consent of his hienes depute in the said office and the remanent lordis of exchekker, hes set in take and assidatione to his majesties beloved serveant Robert Leslie, brother germane to Patrike, lord Lindores, his aires assigneys and subtennentes, ane or ma, all and haill the landis, rentes, superiorities, proffites, dueties, casualities, castelles, toures, fortalices, mansiones, houss, titles†, fishingis, leases, reversiones, jurisdictiones, priviledges, immunities and all other dueties and benefices whatsomevir whilkes perteaned to the late beshoprike of Orknay, or that heereftir shall be fund to have belonged to him be whatsomevir maner of way as beshope of that beshoprike, all which are now falline and become in his majesties handis and at his hienes gifte and dispositione by suppressing the estates of beshopes, and that for the haill space and yeeres of tuo nynteene yeeres eftir the said Robert his entrie, whilke was of the cropt and yeere of God jM vjC and fourtie ane yeeres instant, and sua furth yeerlie to indure dureing the said space for yeerlie payment to his majestie and his hienes successoures of the soume of eight thowsand merks Scotes money of take duetie, begineand the first yeeres payment therof at Whitsonday jM vjC fourtie tuo yeeres; togidder with ane warrand suprascryved be our said soverane lord past wnder his hienes signet and directed be his majestie to his hienes thesaurer principall and thesaurer deput and the remanent comissioneres of the excheker of Scotland, of the dait the [...] day of [...], anent the alloweance to the said Robert Leslie off that yeerlie pensione of tua hundreth pundis sterling payable to him forth of the exchekker of England, and that out of the take duetie abovewrittin of the said beshoprike of Orknay, to be reteened be the said Robert and his foirsaidis in ther owne handis dureinge the yeires and space of the said take, as the samene take and warrand of the dait respective abovementionat at mair lenth proportes, in all and sindrie the heedis, articles, clauss, conditiones and provisiones of the saidis lettir of take and warrand respective. Attoure, his majestie willis and grantes and, for his hienes and his successoures, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione is and shall be alse valied and sufficient to the said Robert Leslie, his aires, assigneyes and subtennentes for bruiking, joysing and possessing of the landis, rentes, castelles, toures, fortalices, dueties†, teyndis, fishings and otheres abovewrittin, dureing the space abovementionate of the said take, and sickelyke for retentione be the said Robert and his foirsaides of the said yeerlie pensione off tuo hundreth pundis sterling furth of the take duetie abovexprest, be vertew of the warrand foirsaid, as if the saidis take and warrand were heerin at lenth ingrossit and insert ad longum de verbo in verbum, notwithstanding the samene are not insert heerintill, anent the quhilke and all other faultes and imperfectiones that hes fallowed or may fallowe wpoun the saidis take and warrand respective, or that anywayes may be objected againes the samene, our said soverane lord, for his hienes and his successoures, with advyse and consent abovewrittin, hes dispenssit and be thir presentes dispensses for now and evir.