Ratificatione in favoures of Maister Peeter Ewarte

Our soverane lord, with consent of the estates of parliament, considering the great losses, hurt and prejudices susteent be Maister Peeter Hewart, somtyme ane of the ordinarie ministeres at Edinburghe, by the violence of the tyme in depryveing him of his ministree at Edinburghe and of the meanes and mentinance for susteineing of himselfe and his famelie, and that continowallie since the yeere of God jM vjC and sevinteene yeeres be the space of tuentie four yeere or thereabout, and that now he is become so aged and infirme that he is not able to serve ordinarlie and actuallie the cure of any kirke, wherby his famelie and childrene may be menteyned or provisione mad for the bettir helpe of his said childrene; and that his majestie, in consideracone thairof, being gratiouslie pleased and disposed to extend his royall compassione to the said Maister Peeter, and conceiveing that the fittest and reddiest way to refound and repair him in pairt of his saidis losses and therby to provyde some helpe for his childrine (without any sensible prejudice to his majestie) would be to continue him and them in the possessione of the fruites and rentes of Croceraguell presentlie bruikit and possest be them, quhairwith he was formerlie provydit, hes thereupon granted to the said Maister Peeter, his aires and assigneyes, ane signatour for ane take and assidacione to them of all and haill the fruites, rentes and otheres dueties whatsomevir belonging of old or of laite to the said benefice of Croceraguell and presentlie bruikit be the said Maister Peter furth of whatsomevir landis or teyndis belonging therto, togidder with the maner place, houss, biggingis, yairdis, pairtes, pendicles and all ther pertinentes, lyand within the bailliarie of Carrike and shereffdome of Air, and that for all the dayes, yeeres and termes of the said Maister Peter his lyftyme, and eftir his decease for the space of nynteene yeeres nixt and immediatlie thaireftir falloweing, for the yeerlie payment of the soume of fyve merkis Scotes, as in the said signatour, daited at Halyrudhous, the tuentie sevint day of October, at mair lenth is conteaned. Therefore his majestie, with consent of the estates of parliament, hes ratified, approvine and confirmed and, be the tennour heerof, ratifies, approves and confirmes the foirsaid take and assidatione in the haill heedis, tennours and contentes and circumstances whatsomevir mentioned and set doune thairintill efter the forme and tennour therof, and findis and declaires that the said take shall be ane valied and sufficient tytle and right to the said Maister Peeter and his foirsaidis for bruiking of the fruites and rentes of Corsraguell dureing the space foirsaid therinconteyned conforme to the tennour therof. And farder, our said soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, repealis, rescindis and retreates all former actes, statutes, constitutiones and otheres deidis whatsomevir, if ony be, quhilks may derogate in ony sorte to this present ratificatione of the take abovewrittin.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.259r-259v. Back