Ratificatione in favours of the burghe of Linlithgoue

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and confirmes to and in favoures of the proveist, baillies, counsell, burgess and commonties of the burghe of Linlithgow and ther successoures, the chartoures, infeftmentes and otheres giftes and rightes eftirmentionat, viz: ane chartour made and granted be umquhill King James the Fyft, of worthie memorie, in his majoritie to the proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burghe of Linlithgow than present and that should happine to be for the tyme, giveand them full power, libertie and commissione and speciall licence to elect, have and hold yeerlie within the said burghe in all tymecomeing ane proveist, and making the proveist and baillies of the said burghe and thair successoures shereffis of Linlithgow within the said burghe, libertie and territorie of the samene perpetuallie in all tymecomeing with ample poweres and liberties to the saidis proveist and baillies of Linlithgow and ther successoures anent the said office of sherefshipe, using and exerceing therof within the boundis foirsaid, to be holdine of his majestie and his hienes successoures in fie and heritadge in maner specified in the said chartour, off the dait at Falkeland, the last day of August jM vC and fourtie yeeres. Item, ane wther chartour made, givine and granted be our soverane lordis darrest father umquhill King James the Sext, of worthie memorie, with advyse of the lordis of his hienes secreet counsell and comptrolleres for the tyme, to the proveist, baillies, counsell, commontie, burgess and inhabitantes of the said burghe of Linlithgow and ther successoures of all and sindrie his hienes small customes of whatsomevir mercates or faires erected or to be erected be his hienes or his successoures within the boundis of the shereffdome of Linlithgow, alsweell of landes lying therin and annexit to other shereffdomes and regalities as wnannexit, to be holdine of our soverane lord and his hienes successours for evir for yeerlie payment of the soume of fyve shilling sterling money allenerlie to be payed yeerlie therefter in his hienes excheker comptes with the burrow maillis of the said burghe in maner specified in the said chartour wnder the great seale, off the dait at Halyrudhous, the first day of December jM vjC and ane yeeres. Item, ane third chartour made, givine and granted be his majesties said umquhill darrest father King James the Sext of woorthie memorie to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsell and commountie of the said burghe of Linlithgow and ther successoures of all and sindrie landis, tenementes, houss, fruits, rentes, emolumentes and dewties whatsomevir, off all alterages, chaiplanries and prebendaries doted and foundit be whatsomevir persones asweell within the said burghe as without the samene wher ever the samene ly within this realme, and speciallie the annuelrentes and dueties quhatsoevir dottit and foundit to the alterages eftirspecified within the paroche kirke of Linlithgow, viz: ane anuellrent or light duetie of Saintmichaell, ane anuellrent of the alter of the holy croce, ane anuellrent of the alter of the blissed virgine Marie, ane anuellrent of the alter of Saint Johne the Baptist, ane anuellrent of the first alter foundit be wmquhill Robert Beiges in honour of the blissed virgine Marie, ane anuellrent of the second alter of Saint Anna foundit be the said wmquhill Robert, the anuellrent of the thrid alter of Saint Bryd foundit be the said umquhill Robert, ane anuellrent of the alter of All Saints, ane anuellrent of the alter of Saint Catherine, ane anuellrent of the alter of Saint Peeter, ane anuellrent of the alter of Saint Androw, ane anuellrent of the alter of the body of Chryst, ane annuellrent of the alter of Sant Niniane, ane annuellrent of the alter of the holie trinitie, and all others alterages, chaiplandries or prebendries quhatsomevir, alsweell within the said burghe as without the same, dottit and foundit with full power to the saidis proveest, baillies, counsell and commontie and ther successoures to receive and uptake all and sindrie the saidis rentes, emolumentes, proffittes and dewties whatsomever perteaneing and belonging to the saidis landis, tenementes, houss, alterages, chaiplandries or prebendrys, and whilkis wer in use to be payed to the chaiplandis or prebenderes therof at ony tyme bygane, alsweell within the said burghe as outwith the samene, and to apply and convert the saidis annuelrentes, rentes, proffites and dewties to ane necessare wse and sustentatione of the reider at the said kirke of Linlithgow, and for the helpe of the poore of the hospitall of the said burghe, to the whilke wse the samene is granted be the said chairtour to be holdine of our soverane lord and his hienes successoures in maner specified in the said chartor wnder the great seale of the dait the eight day of Maii the yeere of God jM vC fourscoire ellevine yeeres. Item, ane fourt chartour made, givine and granted be our soverane lord the kingis majestie that now rignes, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaurers, comptrolleres and collectoures principall and deputie, and of the remanent lordis of exchekker, his hienes commissioneres within this kingdome, to the proveist, baillies, counsell and commonty of the said burghe of Linlithgow and ther successoures of the lyke and the samene power, libertie and jurisdictione as they heave within the burghe of Linlithgow and that within all his hienes publicte wayes, gaites and passages without the west port of the said burghe to the brige of Even westwart, and sicklyke round aboute the said burghe everie wher, be all otheres pairtes within the saidis publict gaites and wayes be the space of ane myle, and of the full and absolute jurisdictione of all faires and mercates to be holdine in all pairtes and places outwith and about the said burghe and within the boundis foirsaidis, with ample power to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burghe and ther foirsaidis anent the said power, libertie and jurisdictione, useing and exerceing therof in maner mentionat in the said chairtour, to be holdine of our soverane lord and his hienes successoures for yeerlie payment of the soume of sex shillingis, eight pennyes Scottis money in name of burrow maill. And making compt thairof yeerlie in his hienes excheker, as they shall be requyred in maner specified in the said chartour wnder the greate seale, of the dait the ellevint day of Julii jM vjC threttie three yeeres. Togidder lykewayes with ane chartour of confirmatione granted be the kingis umquhill darrest father of worthie memorie, daited the tuentie fourt day of Maii 1593 yeeres, to and in favours of the proveist, baillies, counsell, burgess and commontie of the said burghe of Linlithgow, confirmand ane chartour granted to them be Robert, king of Scottis, off the dait the tuentie third day of October, and of his rigne thertie eight yeeres off the said burghe and of the port of Blacknes, small customes, tolles and wtheres conteyned in the said chairtour, with ane wther chartour, daited the ellevint day of Januar 1451, granted be the kingis majestie for the tyme to the said burghe, makeand them free of all customes of salt, schorling and wtheres specified in the said chairtour. Item, ane dispositione granted be Lodowicke, duike of Lennox, with consent of his freendis and counselloures to the said burghe of Linlithgowe, of the annuelles, mailles and dewties perteaneing to the pryorie of Sanct Androis and adebted to them furth of the tenementes and landis within the said burghe haldine of the said pryorie, conteaneing also ane bailliarie, therintill daited the tuentie eight of December 1595 yeeres, and ane wther dispositione granted in favoures of the saidis proveist, bailleyes, counsell and commountie of Linlithgow and ther successours be James, lord Torphichene and Robert Hammiltoune of Baithgaite, with consent of James Tennente of Lenhouse and Maister Robert Williamesone, wretter of the temple landis and temple tenementes mentionat in the said dispositione, conteaneing ane bailliarie thairintill, whilke dispositione is daited the fourt day of Junii 1604 yeeres, as the foirsaidis haill chairtour, dispositiones and rightes respective abovementionat mair fullie proportes, togidder also with the preceptes and instrumentes of seasing falloweing wpoun the foirsaidis chartours, with the haill remanent rightes and securities granted to the said burghe of Linlithgowe, with liberties, priviledges and otheres thairinspecified in all and sindrie the heidis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones mentionat and conteyned in the foirsaid chairtoures, dispositiones and othere rightes respective, generallie and particularlie before rehearsit, and eftir the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes. And our said soverane lord and estates of parliament willis and grantes and, for his hienes and his successoures, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione is and shall be alse valied and sufficient and of alse great strenth, force and effect to the saidis proveistes, baillies, counsell, burgess, inhabitantes and commountie of the said burghe of Linlithgowe and ther successoures for bruiking of the said office of shereffshipe, small customes, landes, tenements, houss, annuellrentes, fruites, rentes, emolumentes and dueties whatsoevir speciallie and generallie abovewrittin of the alterages, chaiplandries and prebendries foirsaids and the saidis power, libertie and jurisdictione of his hienes saidis publict wayes and gaites without and aboute the said burghe of Linlithgow, and within the bounds foirsaidis and liberties thairof, and otheres conteyned in the saidis chairtoures and wtheres rightes foirsaid, as if the samene and everie ane of them wer at lenth speciallie ingrossit and insert de verbo in verbum in this present ratificatione, notwithstanding that the samene be not sua done; quhairanent, and with all other defectes and imperfectiones, objectiones quhatsomevir quhilkis may be proponit or alledged againes the saidis chartoures and otheres rightes foirsaidis and validitie of the samene, or this present ratificatione thairof, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensit and, be thir presentes, dispenses for now and evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.242r-243v. Back
  2. APS suggests '18' in square brackets. Back
  3. APS suggests 'skinnes' in square brackets. Back