[1641/8/295]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the chartour and infeftment granted be his majestie to his hienes lovitt David Carnegy of Ethy, his aires maill and assigneyes mentionat therin, and to Jeane Maule, his spous, eldest laufull doughter to his majesties daylie servitour Patrike Maule of Panmure, in warrandyce of hir lyferent landis, off all and haill the landis and barrony of Craigs, comprehending the landis of Meekle Pearth and mylne therof, Canony, Ballochie, Brinkes†, Muretoune, with the mures and sallmond fischings, Inglishmaldies and mylne thairairof; third pairt of the landis of Killrie, Eister and Wester Dallry and mylne therof; third pairt of the landis of Craig and Glenyland and the maynes and toune of Loure, with the mylne therof; the landis and maynes of Ley, with the mylne, litle gairden, alias Eister and Wester Borderes, with tour, fortalices, mylnes, mylne landis, salmond fishingis, advocatione, donatione of chaiplanries and otheres mentionat in the said infeftment, all united to the said barrony of Craigs, to bee holdine of his majestie and his successoures in frie blensh for payment of the blensh dweties conteanit in the said infeftment, notwithstanding that a pairt therof held of befor of his majestie bee waird and releefe, as in the said infeftment at maire lenth is conteaned, quhilke is of the dait at Quhythall, the aught of Januar 1639 yeeres, in the haill heedis and articles therof, and willis and declaires that this present ratificatione shall be alse effectuall as if the said chartour and infeftmente were heerin insert per expressum.