Reference in favouris of Anna Inglis

The quhilk day the supplicatione givine in to the parliament be Anna Inglis, lady Aicket, againes Williame Cunynghame of Aiket, hir husband, anent the wronges therin mentionat done to hir be hir said husband, craveing redresse therof and ane modificatione for hir enterteenement, togidder with the citationes usit therwpoun againes the said Williame Cunynghame befor the parliament and what hes past therintill before the said parliament, being this day moved in parliament in audience of his majestie and estates of parliament, his majestie and estates foirsaidis hes remitted and remittes the foirsaid supplication, with the citationes and all that hes fallowed therupon or is done thairintill before the parliament in statu quo nunc est, to his hienes secreet counsell.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.202v. Back