Legislation: private act
Act in favoures of Capitane Williame Steuarte

The quhilk day the kinges majestie and estates of parliament, haveing hard the petitione givine in be Capitane Williame Stewart, sone to Harie Stewarte of Cougan, esquyer, in Ireland, proporting that he is to petitione the parliament of England for the reperationes of the great loisses and sufferingis susteened be his said father wpoun occasione of his constant adhering the Nationall Covenant of the subjectes of this kingdome, and in regaird the petitioner himselfe hes bene also ane sufferer for that same cause and was forced to reteir himselfe to this his native cuntrey quhair he did serve as a captane faithfullie the tyme of the late troubles and since heath caried himselfe worthilie as a good patriote in particulares of great consernement, therefore desyreing his majestie and the estates to recommend the petitioner and his father there condition and cause to the parliament of England, as the petitione more fullie proportes. Quhairwith his majestie and estates, being weel advysed and knoweing perfytlie the generous and loyall cariage of the said Capitane Williame, wherof they doe by these presentes give trewe and faithfull testimony; they doe therfore recommend him, his father and ther cause to the favorable heiring of his majestie and the parliament of England that they may find that measour of ther favour and benignitie in wpseting ther loiss as may obleidge the estates of this kingdome to the lyke retributione as occasione shall offer.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.200v. Back