Act in favoures of the vasselles of waird landes holden of the king and prince

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament, taking to consideratione the bountie and benevolence of his majesties most noble progenitoures King James the Second and King James the Fourte in giveing ther vasselles libertie to set thair waird landis fewe, and heirwith also remembring that, by the 16 act of his majesties first parliament anno 1633, his majestie and the prince, his heighnes, ther vasselles of waird landis are alltogidder secludit from that benefiet of his majesties bountie and benevolence foirsaid, which prejudice is by the threttie sevine act of that sessione of this present parliament holden in June 1640 yeeres recommendit to be considered at the nixt meeting thereftir of the said parliament, and dureing that interim the force and executione of that act foirsaid 1633 is suspendit and suppressed. And now his majestie, being gratiouslie pleased of his royall favoure and bountie that the vassalles of waird landis holding of his sacred majestie and of the prince, his heighnes, may enjoy ther former liberty with the benefite of his majestie and his most noble progenitouris, ther bountie and benevolence foirsaid wnprejudged or impaired by the foirsaid act 1633, therefore our said soverane lord and estates of parliament reschindis and anulles the foirsaid 16 act of his majesties first parliament in anno 1633 yeeres, intitulate 'Anent vasselles holding waird', and declaires the samene act to be null, of none availl, force, strenth nor effect in all tymecomeing, in so fare as the samene act is or may be extendit to the landis holdene waird of the king or prince as said is, and declaires the vasselles of the waird landis foirsaidis and otheres his majesties leiges or subjectes to be in that same estate and conditione and have the same libertie conserneing waird landis which they had befor the making of the said act, and as if the samen had never bene made, which our soverane lord and estates of parliament declaires to be extinct and of none availl, force nor effect in all tyme heerefter.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.189v-190r. Back