Legislation: private act
Act anente the nominatione and election of Sir James Gallouay to be maister of requesis

The quihilk day the kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatione of the estates of parliament, nominated and elected Sir James Galloway to be maister of requeistes of this his heighnes ancient and native kingdome of Scotland and that ad vitam vell culpam, conforme to the act of this present parliament made anent the officeres of estate, counselloures and sessioneres upoun the sexteine day of September last by past. Lykeas his majestie, with advyse and approbatione foirsaid, gives and dispones to the said Sir James Galloway, ad vitam vell culpam as said is, the foirsaid office to be maister of requeists of this his majesties kingdome, with all honoures, dignities, proffites, casualities and liberties perteaneing to the samene office which have bene possest and brooked by any preceeding maister of requeistes, and which may be now bruiked by the lawes of this kingdome. And ordeanes a gifte to be past and exped wnder his heighnes great seale to the said Sir James Galloway of the foirsaid office, with all honoures, dignities, proffites, casualities, liberties and priviledges perteyneing and belonging therto as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.182r-182v. Back