
Prayer said and rolles callit.

Rege presente.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.160v. Back
Procedure: ordinance for riding of parliament
Ordinance for ryding the parliament the 17 of November instant 1641

Forsameikle as his majestie and the estates of this present parliament hes resolved to ryd and conclude the said parliament the sevinteene day of this instant, therfore his majestie and estates foirsaidis commandes and ordeanes the haill memberes of this present heighe court of parliament, asweell the noblemen as the commissioneres of shyres and burrowes, to be in reddines with there robes, horss, footmantles and other furnitour at his hienes palace of Halyrudhouse the day foirsaid at nyne houres beforenoone, to convoy his majestie from the said palace of Halyrudhouse to the parliament house of Edinburghe and from thence bake to the said palace, and ordeanes publict proclamatione to be mad heirof be the lyone or his brethrene, the herauldis, at the mercat croce of Edinburgh be sound of trumpettes; quhairanent thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand. Subscryved be the preeses of parliament at command of the king and parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.160v. Back