
Prayer said and rolles callit.

Rege presente.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v-150r. Back
Procedure: ordinance concerning the supplication by the town of Berwick
Ordinance anente the toune of Berwicks supplicatione

The quhilk day the supplicatione presented to the king's majestie be the major, baillies and burgess of Berwicke, desyreing some tymber for repairing ther bridge and that some new gaites built and platformes may be permitted to stand and that tuo or three yrone peices may also be permitted to remaine there for saifty of there shipes, being red in audience of his majestie and estates of parliament, his majestie and estates foirsaidis appoyntes the Erle of Louthane to give directiones to Robert Murrey that he may goe to Berwicke to visit the forsaid particulares mentionat in the said petitione and report agane to the parliament, and ordeines him in his goeing to take alonge with him the Lairdis of Blacader, Eidingtoun and Lambertoun or ony of thaim, as also ordeines the said Erle of Louthiane to acquant the Englishe commissioners heirwith.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v-150r. Back
Legislation: private act
Act in favoures of the burghe of Dornoch anente the change of there faire

Our soverane lord, with consent of the estates of this present parliament, considering that where the burghe of Dornoche hes in thair chartor of erectione in ane frie royall burghe granted and disponit to theme be his majestie ane faire to be holdine at the said burghe the tent day of October yeerly, to continue and indure yeerlie for the space of three dayes thereftir, with the whole customes and tolles of the saidis faires, as the said chartour of erectione amplie proportes. And because the said fair, whilke is appoynted to be holdine at the said burghe upoun the said tenth day of October yeerly, is hurtfull and verie prejudiciall to the said burgh and neighboures adjacent therabout be eiting and distroying ther cornes then beeing upoun the ground and not usuallie woone nor led at the tyme therof, therfore our said soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, annulles and dischairges the said fair whilke was appoynted to begine and to be holdine wpoun the said tenth day of October yeerlie, and hes givine, granted and disponed and be thir presentes of newe againe gifes, grantes and dispones to the said burghe of Dornoch and to the proveist baillies thairof ane new fair to be holdine at the said burghe yeirly heirefter upoun the tuentie tuo day of the said moneth of October yeirlie, and to continue for the space of three dayes, to be callit Sanct Gilbert fair, with the whole toll, small customes and priviledges quhairof, sicklyke and als freelie as any other faires are holdene yeirlie within the said burghe in all tymecoming. And ordeanes lettirs of publicatione to be directed heirupoun as effeires.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v-150r. Back