
Prayer said and rolles callit.

Rege presente.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.135v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.136r. Back
Act in favoures of leutennent collonelles and majores who had companies for ane capitanes pay to them

The quhilke day, anent the petitione givine in to the kingis majestie and honorabill estates of parliament be the leutennent collonellis and majores of horse and foote in the late Scottishe army, quhairof the tennour falloweth: To the kingis most excellent majestie and the most honorabill estats of this present parliament, we, the leutennent collonellis and majores of horse and foote in the late Scottishe army, doe humblie shewe that wheras we, besydis our chairge as leutennent collonellis and majores, hade also our severall particular companyes committed to us and that in all armies whatsomevir officeris of oure conditione have pay as capitanes of ther particular companyes by alse good reight as there pay for ther chairge in cheife afoirsaid, may it therfor please your most excellent majestie and most honorabill estates of this present parliament to take to your gratious consideratione the equitie and justice of our demandis, and we doubt not bot upoun just and trew informatione it will not be denyed to ws that right which is wniversally observed in all armies, and we as in dewtie bund shall pray etc., as the foirsaid petitione in the selfe proportes. Quhilk petitione abovewrittin sua givine in be the leutennent collonellis and majores of the army who had companeyes desyreing the pay of ane capitane being red in audience of the kinges majestie and estates of parliament, his majestie and the estates foirsaides findes the desyre of the foirsaid petitione reassonable and thairfor appoyntes all suche leutennentes collonallis and majors to have capitanes pay as shall be testified be the lord genrell and ther owne collonell to have had companyes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.135v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.136r. Back
Procedure: king's letter to the Queen of Sweden approved and subscribed
Anente the lettir be the kingis majestie and parliamente to the Quene of Sueden and regentes therof

The quhilk day ane lettir in Latine from his majestie to the Quene of Sueden and regentes therof, desyring that they would proceed sloulie in ane treattie of peace with the emperour till his majestie send ane ambassador, being publictlie red in parliament in audience of his majestie and estates therof, was wniformlie approvine be the haill estates and subscryved be his majestie in face of parliament and be the praeses of parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.135v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.136r. Back