Act of exonoratione and approbatione in favoures of Maister Alexander Weddirburne

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estates of parliament, haveing takine to there consideratione the petitione of Maister Alexander Weddirburne, toune clerke of Dundie, makeand mentione of the trust put wpon him and the other commissioneris who war intrusted with ane commissione and imployit by the committie of parliament in anno 1640 yeires in the treattie of peace betuixt the kingis majestie and his subjectes of Scotland, and betuixt the kingdomes of Scotland and England, which was begune at Rippone and thereftir translated at Londone, conforme to the commissione and instructiones respective granted to the supplicant and the wther commissioneris thairincontenit thairanent, quhairby they ware authoreized with the said commissione to proceed in the foirsaid negociatione which they wndertooke and have wndergone till the happie conclusione of the said treattie; after the which, haveing now returned to this honorable meiting of parliament the haill proccedingis and articles of the treaty, the petitioner does in all humility lay doune that commission laid upoun him at the feet of his majestie and this heighe court of parliament, and does most willinglie and humbly submit himselfe, his haill actiones and deportment in that great and weightie chairge to there examinatione and consideratione, wherine he offeris himselfe reddie to give ane accompt to the effect that if he have bene remisse or negligent in the dischairge of his duetie and obedience to the commandementes and instructiones givine to him, or if he hes for feare of any hazard or hope of any benefit, preferment or any thing elles whatsoevir, done any thing contraire to the saidis instructiones or prejudiciall to the publict, he being defective thairintill may wndergoe that censure which the wrongeris of the cuntrie and abuseres of such great trust deserves; and if it shall be fund that he hes acquyt himselfe faithfullie of that chairge and trust put wpoun him, than the petitioner does humblie crave that as his weake endevores has bene treulie and sincerlie contributed to the service of this kirke and kingdome, so he may bee exonered and dischairged of that weightie burdene he hes so long tyme now wnderlyne, and that his proceedinges therin may be approvine, seing the negociatione of the treattie is now at ane end and by Godis assistance and blissing the same is closed, as the said supplicatione at mair lenth beires. His majestie and the estates, finding the foirsaid petitione and desyre most equitable, and haveing considerit the report of the committie appoynted for examinatione of the said Maister Alexander Weddirburne, his cariage in the said trust put upon him, and compaired the same with the commissione and instructions foirsaids granted to him and the other commissioneris, togidder with the testimony of the kingis majestie and the remanent commissioneris who war in the lyke commissione and trust with the said Maister Alexander Weddirburne, doe find and declair that the said Maister Alexander Weddirburne heath so walked and behaved himselfe in the foirsaid imployment as he deserves ther testimonie of his approvine fidelitie and diligence; and therfor his majestie and estates of parliament doe not onlie liberat and exoner him of all questione or challenge that cane be laid to him for his cariage in the foirsaid chairge and imployment, bot also doe give him this testimony and approbatione: that he heath behaved himselfe in the foirsaid imployment, chairge and trust as ane loyall subject to the king and trewe patriot to his cuntrie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.127v-128r. Back