
Prayer said and rolles callit.

Rege presente.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.119v. Back
Warrand in favoures of the Laird of Minto Trimble anent his waird and mariage

Anente the supplicatione givine in to the kingis majestie and the parliament be Maister Williame Turnble, minister at McKerstoune, makeand mentione that umquhill Johne Turnble of Mynto, his brother, contracted seiknes in the publicke service in the army at Newcastle where he remaned ane long space and thereftir deceist, wherby the waird and mariage of Johne Turnble, his eldest sone, fallis in his majesties handis, and therfore desyreing his majestie and estates to give order to passe the signatour allreddie signit by the king in the supplicantes name of the foresaid waird and mariage to the behove of the said John Turnble gratis. Quhilke supplicatione being red and considerit be his majestie and parliament, his majestie, with advyce of the parliament, appoyntes the deputie thesaurer and lordis of excheker to pase the gifte abovewrittin gratis; and appoyntes the clerke to give the double of this delyverance wnder his hand for ther warrand.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.119v. Back