[1641/8/56]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day, anent the supplicatione givine in to the parliament be Williame Home of Aittoun and Sir James Baillyie of Lochend and Dame Magdalene Carnagie, lady Lochend, Sir Patrike Hammiltoune, the said William Home and Williame Butter, his tutoures testamentares, desyreing dispensatione and warrand to the shereffe of Clakemannane and his deputes to sit and hold courtes in the actiones intentit or to be intentit at the supplicants instance againes the aires and executores of the umquhill Erle of Stirveling and lord Alexander for the causs contenit in the said supplicatione, as the supplicatione at mair lenth beires; quhilke supplicatione being this day red in audiance of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament, and the desyre thairof considderit be them, his majestie and estates foirsaides grantes dispensatione to the said shereffe of Clakmanane and his deputes to sit and hold courtes and to proceed and minister justice in the actiones respective mentionat in the said supplicatione ather allreddy intentit or to be intentit befor them for payment of the soumes of money and causs respective thairinspecifeit, wnto the finall end and deceisione of the samene actiones, as accordis of the law; for doeing wherof, his majestie and estates of parliament hes dispensit and heirby dispenss in maner foirsaid.