Act anente the bulyeon

Oure soverane lord and estates of parliament, considering that one of the cheife wayes for bringing in of money into this kingdome heath beene bullione, which now for lacke of the trew manageing therof is become wnproffitable, therfor oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates, statutes and ordeanes that in tymecomeing all and everie merchand passand forthe of this kingdome with any merchandyce, or sending the same forth of this cuntrie at the customeing of the saidis goodis, shall find securitie to the customeres for importing and inbringing such quantitie and proportione of bullyone as by the laues of this kingdome is due for the saidis goodis transported by them, and shall accordinglie delyver the same and cause be delyvered to the maister of the cunyiehous, and shall receive bakeagane his majesties coyne of this kingdome, and shall make faith that the same was brought by theme from forrane pairtes or by otheres in ther name. And dischairges all payment of bullion before the hand and all pactiones mad anent bullione one with another and paying of the same with his majesties coyne or with any silver that is within the contrey allreddie, wnder the paine of doubling of the said bullione. As also, because the bullione is ordeaned to be payed to the maister of his majesties coynehous, who heath his only residence in Edinburgh, and that therby many merchantes who duell not within the said burghe will be put to great and wnnecessary chairges for a small mater of bullyeon, therfor it is statute and ordeanit and declaired that it shall be laufull to the saidis merchantes to send the same to the said maister of the coynehous, provyding he send therwith an attestatione wnder his oathe and hand if he cane writ, and wnder his marke if he cannot writ, and both before tuo subscryveing witness of magistrates or counsell of the burghes where they dwell, that the said bullione due by him was brought within this kingdome from forrane pairtes and that the same was not acquyred nor bought by him within the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.115v-116r. Back