[Letter from the commissioners at London to the Earl of Dunfermline and Lord Loudoun]

To our verie honorable lordis the Erle of Dunfermeline and Lord Lowdown, and in there absence to be disclosed by the Erle of Argyle or Lord Balmerino or commttie at Edinburgh

Our verie good lordis,

Wee had drawne a publict letir, but because John Smith and Hew Kennedy went to a well to get some waters for their health before their hands wer gottine to that letir, therefore we thoght good to send the same to your lordships, which yow shall onlie receave by way of information, and will be pleased with all diligence to send the same to the comittie at Edinburgh, to the effect their lordships may take notice theirof as an note or information sent from ws. Wee could not neglect the sending of this lettre, becaus his majestie was earnest that wee should send some information thereanent with all diligence. Noe further for the present, but we remane

Your lordships servantes, Rothes; Patrik Hepburne of Wauchtone; J. Douglas, London, 22 July 1641

Befoir I receaved your lordships letrres, which yow appointed me to deliver to the king, the Erle of Lanerk, to whome the packet wes directed, had receaved an large information heirof which he had shewne to his majestie befoir yours was delivered. Rothes

28 July 1641

Produced be the Erle of Dumfermelin. Red in audience of parliament, who appointis everie estate to take the same unto thair consideration and think upon the answer.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'July 28 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back