[Copy of parliament's letter to the king]

Copy of the estaittis lettre to the kingis majestie, 20 Julii 1641

Your majesties resolutioune to settle what shall be agried in the treatie and to honnor this parliament with your royall presence for ratifeing the same, signified to ws in your majesties letter be the Erle of Dumfermelin and Lord Lowdoune, hath gevin ws verie greate content, the performance whairof will incres oure joy in establishing ane heartie unione and right understanding betuix your majestie and this your ancient native kingdome, whairin oure best endevoiris shall never be wanting. And although oure conditione urging speedie and present remedies maid ws resolve to sit still, yit when the Erle of Dumfermelin and Lord Lowdoune shew efter voitting that your majestie commandit thame to intimate your royall assent thairunto (incaice we should find the exigence of oure affairis to requyre the same), and did represent that it was your majesties desyre that materis should only be prepared and not concludit till your majestie should be present in your royall persone, we did against all difficulties condiscend that oure sitting should only be for preparatione and accommodatione of bussines bot not to conclude or determine materis in actis of parliament or sentences definitive (except we fund ane urgent necessitie for the peace and good of the countrie to requyre the same) unto the 17 day of August nixt; which, as it is the longest delay that oure affairis can admitt, so we resolve till then to adventure the sufferance of all extremities from our earnest desine to hail the honnour and happines of your royall presence and to give satisfactione to the parliament of Ingland. And doe in the mein tyme humblie crave the allowance of some few dayis for considering the articles of the treatie and other particularis proponed be the Erle of Dumfermelin and Lord Lowdoune which we shall haisten in the shortest tyme can be for deliberatione about maters of so great importance, for we haif not yit gone about any particularis except the Erle of Traquairis submissione, which upon good and weightie reasones we haif refuised to accept, and doe persist in the desyre maid be oure commissioneris for remanding him to abyde his tryall, which we confidentlie exspect from your majesties justice. So we (who for avoyding multitude of subscriptiones ar appointed to signe these in name of all the estaittie of parliament) shall heartilie joyne in the fervent prayeris which from the whole bodie of this kingdome ar sent up to God for your majesties long and happie raigne over ws.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'July 20 1641'. Back