[Letter from the estates requesting the general assembly to meet in Edinburgh]

Copy of the estaitis lettre to the assemblie

To the right reverend the moderator and remanent brethrein of the venerable general assemblie of the kirk of Scotland conveneit at Sanct Androis.

Right reverend,

Quhairas the king's majestie had bein gratiouslie pleased to resolve for to honour with his royall presence the meitings of this present assemblie and parliament, and being now impedit for a tyme by the urgencie of the affairs of our nichtbour kirk and kingdome, to quhom we wish all happines, hath appoynted the Earle of Weims his majesties comissionar in this venerable assemblie, and hath desyred us to proroge our meiting today, we have bein forced to remonstrat to his majestie the necessitie of affairs urging us to sitt still for prepairing of all maters that the peace of this kingdom after so long distractiouns micht by God's mercie, the king's goodnes and our indevouris be brocht to sum sattling. Bot finding so manie of our number to be members also of your meiting, quhas absence wald be a great impediment of our preparatiouns, and considering also besyds the commodiousnes of this place, the great necessitie at this tyme of the concuring advyse of both the assemblie and parliament for settiling the perfyt peac of this kirk and kingdome and for preventing all new divisive motiouns in the one or the uther and, as we ar informed, hath bein usuallie practeised in the lyk cases in past tymes and was promised in the last assemblie holdine in Aberdein, we have thocht it expedient for manie causes to joyne our faithfull advyse and earnest requeist with the desyr of his majesties commissioner unto your wisdoms that yee may be pleased to translait your meiting from Sant Andrews to Edinburgh against the first convenient day, and to send some of everie estait to represent our desyr and advyse in this and in anie ether thing that may accelerat your translation. And as out of our confidence of your concuring resolutiouns heirin, we have stayed all the rest of our number that ar members of your meiting. So amongst other things concerning the kirk at this tyme, we shall not be unmyndful to sett down one solid course for the beiring of the chairgs of the commissioners to your yeirlie generall assemblies; and in all uthair things shall do our uttermost indevoir with your concourse to preserve puritie and peace within this kirk, quhilk is the greatest desyr of

Yor affectionat freinds, [...]

  1. NAS, PA7/2/65. Back
  2. The copy of this letter in PA7 is missing this opening clause. Back