Nono Augusti 1641

Decimo septimo die sessionis parliamenti


Rolles callit and prayeres said.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.84r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v. Back
  3. Sic. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v-85r. Back
Warrant: to the king's advocate
Warrand for the kingis advocat his incomeing and sitting in the house of parliament

The quhilk day the desyre anent the admission of the kingis advocat to sit in the house of parliament, seing also he is advocat imployit be the estates and commandit be them to concurre with the rest of the procuratoris, being tane to consideratione be the estates of parliament, they thinke it expedient to call the advocat into the house to sit upoun the foote of the throne covered with his hat upon his head to ansuer what shall be demandit of him be the parliament, who declaires that thir presentis shall give no farder priviledge to him nor shall give him no voyce in parliament, sieing he is only callit be the parliament to sit and heir and ansuer when he is askit so long as they have to doe with him.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.84r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v. Back
  3. Sic. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v-85r. Back
Declaration and judgment of the assemblie anent the band, wherof there judgment was craveit be the parliamente

The quhilk day Maister Andro Cant and Maister Johne Strang, commissionaris from the generall assembly, compeired judiciallie in parliament in presence of the estats therin convenit and produceit the act and declaratione wnderwrittin, quherof the tennour falloueth: Edinburghe, the nynt of August 1641, act sessionis 17, the assemblie taking to ther consideratione the questione proponit wnto them concerneing a band, the copie wherof was presented befor them from the parliament, doeth find and declair that bandis of this and the lyke nature may not laufullie be mad, by which declaratione the assemblie doeth not intend to bring any censure for what is past and by the wisdome and caire of the committie of the parliament is takine away upoun any persone, who, being requyrit by the moderatour and the clerk, shall wnder his hand declair befor them that as the assembly doeth find that the subscryveris are not astricked by ther oath to the tennour of the said band, so he findeth himselfe not to be astricted be his oath to the tennour therof, but the intentioun of the assemblie is meerlie to prevent the lyke in tymecomeing. Extracted furth of the bookis of the generall assembly be me, Maister Archibald Johnestoun, clerke therto, witnessing my signe and subscriptione manuall. Sic subscribitur: A. Johnstoun, clericus ecclesiae. Quhilke declaration abovementionat the saidis Maister Andro Cant and Maister Johne Strang, commissioneris sent be the generall assembly, produceit from the generall assembly as the judgment of the assemblie anent bandis, agrieing in natur to the copie of the band represented to the assembly be the parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.84r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v. Back
  3. Sic. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v-85r. Back
Ratificatione of the act of exchekker made in favoures of these who have ingadgit for the soume of 100,000 merkis for the kingis expenss agains his coming to Scotland

The quhilk day the estates of parliament ratifies and approves the act of exchekker of the dait the tuenti tuo of Julii 1641 yeires, mad and set doune in favoures of these noblemen and otheris and ilke ane of them who hes givine band and securitie to Williame Dicke of Braid for payment to him of the soume of ane hundreth thousand merks, with the intrest therof and penultie gif ony be contenit in the said band for payment therof at Mertimes nixt barroweit and wpliftit fra the said Williame Dicke, for defraying the king's majesties expenss againes his comeing to this kingdome in maner specified in the said act in the haill heidis, articles and clauss of the samene act; and declaires this present generall ratificatione therof to be als valied and sufficient as if the foirsaid act ware at lenth and word be word insert heirintill, quhairwith the estates of parliament dispenss for evir, and findis and declaires the foirsaid act of excheker of the dait abovewrittine to be ane necessar act, and therfor ratifies and approves the samene in the haill heidis, tennour and contentis therof as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.84r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v. Back
  3. Sic. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v-85r. Back