Procedure: the Earl of Montrose heard and commanded to return to the castle

The Erle of Montroise, being hard in presence of the lordis of parliament, declaired that he formarlie desyred to be hard to knowe the command or pleasure of the estates, quhairunto hee should indevore to give satisfactione to the full alse neir as he could.

The estates, being advysit therwith, declaires that this heiring being granted to him wpoun his supplicatione often presented and pressed in parliament, it is permitted to him be the estates to say what he thinkis fiting to propone to them. Quhilke being intimat to the erle, the Erle of Montrois declaired that albeit some great imputationes be laid to his chairge, yit he is so confident of his owne innocencie that he will not deprecat bot supplicat for justice and tryell.

The estates, haveing advysit therwith, declaires they will take to ther consideratione what course they will nixt take heiranent and in the meanetyme commandis my lord to returne to the castle.

And this being pronunciet to the Erle of Montroise he declaired that in all humilitie he ressavit the sentance of the parliament and expected confidentlie justice in all there proceedingis, being hopfull to cleir his oune innocencie.

It being voited to what day the Erle of Montroise should be sommoned, whither wpoun tuentie one dayes, eight dayes or more or lesse, the estates appoyntis the citatione to be givine wpon fyfteene dayes, quhilke they find sufficient.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.77r. Back