Procedure: motion by the Earl of Argyll

In respect the parliament have now resolved to sit still, it is the humble motione of the Erle of Argyle that sieing ther ar many materis allreddie proposed whilke requyre ane competent tyme for preparatione, that therfor it may be declaired that no other thing be takine to consideration befor the tent of August, or any such competent tyme, that may concerne any particular estat without consent of the estat so interessed.

It being voyted, the estates agries and declaires that they will sit still onlie for preparatione and accommodatione of bussiness and not for concluding or determineing materis in actis of parliament or sentances definitive befor the 17 of August nixt, except the parliament shall find ane wrgent necessitie for the peace and good of the cuntrie to requyre the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.70r. Back