Additional Source

9 June 1640

[Petition of James Arnott to the Earl of Argyll]

James Arnott, his petition unto the Earle of Argyle

Unto the rycht honorabill and my very good lord, my lord Earle of Argyle etc., the petitioun of James Arnott, merchant.

Humblie scheweth unto your lordship that whereas now at this honorabill meitting of the estates of parliament presentlie sitting, I, finding it ane convenient tyme to putt your lordship in remembrance anent the dew and satisfactioun to be given to me for my schip and ordinance, to the effect your lordship may signiffie the same unto the saids estatis; as also to deale with them to determine thereintill in ane full number, or otherwayis appoynt and choise ane comittie to sitt and determine thereupoun; and that consideratioun may be had of the great prejudice and losses susteaned be me in the meane tyme by detayneing of the said schip and ordinance from her veoyage (conforme to your lordships honorabill promeis) which is lyke to turne to my utter rauine and overthrow, so hopeing your lordship will have pitie and consideratioun thairof. And your lordship's answer.

Nono Junii 1640

Red be the haill estaittis and recommendit be theme to the committe at Edinburgh.

Burghly, praeses, in presentis dominorum parliamenti

Undecimo Junii 1640

Red and voitted be the parliament and remitted and recommendit to the committe at Edinburgh.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'June 11 1640'. Back