Procedure: approval of the acts

The quhilk day the foirsaidis estates of parliament, viz: the nobilitie, the commissioneris for the barrones and the commissionaris for the burrowes, being present as they are inrolled, called and disignit and standis markit the second day of Junii instant, which was the first day of this sessione of parliament, where they ordinarly sett sence that tyme foirsaid of ther conveeneing in this sessioun of parliament to the wtter great parliament house, and being conveened and set there with there president in state and order in open and plaine parliament, the presedent and estates of parliament sua conveened caused publicklie reid in open parliament, in presence of the estates, the haill actis, both generall and particulare, respective foirsaidis, and publicklie voyted the samene actes and everie one of them severally. Quhilkis actis sua red and voitted, the saidis estates did unanimouslie approve, past the samene, aggried therwnto and to everie one of them and ordeanit the samone to stand and have the force of lawes and actis of parliament respective, conform to the tennour therof beformentionat in tyme comeing, and to beir dait this ellevinth of Junii 1640 yeires instant.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.55v. Back