Act 22
Appointing the feis for the procuratour, the clerke and agent for the kirke

The estates of parliament, presentlie conveend by his majesties authoritie, taking to ther consideratione the desyre of the last assembly and the supplicatione of the commissioneris of the kirke, craveing that the advocat for the kirke, the clerke of the assembly and the agent for the kirke may be provydit of fees and pensiones for their service in that chairge out of the kirke rentes belonging to the lat beshoprikis as they have had thair pensiones payed to them out of the same since the reformatione, for the procuratour of the kirke had assigned to him four last halfe last cost, extending to six chalderis, tuelve bollis meale and malt out of the reddiest duties of the beshoprike of Orkney yeirlie, in place wherof, after the restitutione of beshopis anno 1606, ther was fyve hundreth pundis ordeaned to be payed out of the kingis checker to the advocat for the kirke; lykeas the clerke of the generall assembly since the reformatioun and before the restitutione of beshopis, and by the beshopes themselves, conforme to thair band in Januar 1610 yeires, had fyve hundreth merkes payed to him yearlie; and the agent for the kirke had a continowall pensione payed to him out of the kirke rentes for his chairge. And heerwith also the said estates, considering the necessitie of the saidis officeris of advocat, clerke and agent for the kirkis bussiness, with the weight of that chairge and continowall attendance requisit therto, ordeanes and appoyntes the soume of ane thousand merkis of fie and pensioune to be payed yeirlie to Maister Archbald Johnstoun, present advocat for the kirke, and to his successouris chosen and appoynted by the assembly in that place for the fie of that chairge as procuratour for the kirke; and the soume of fyve hundreth merkis to be payed yeirlie to the said Maister Archbald Johnestoun, as present clerk to the generall assemblies of the kirke, for the fie and pensione of that office, and to his successouris choosene and appoynted by the assembly in that place for the dischairge therof and service therintill; and the soume of other fyve hundreth merkis of fie and pensione yeirlie to be payed to Maister Robert Dallgleish, present agent for the kirke, and to his successouris chosen and appoynted by the assembly in that chairge. And in respect the advocat, clerke and agent for the kirke most have there continouall residence at Edinburghe for attending the affaires of the kirke, and that the saidis fies and pensiones ought to be payed out of the beshopis rentes and that the saidis officeris should be payed therof out of the neerest and most commodious rentes belonging to the saidis beshoprickis, thairfore the saidis estates ordeanes the saidis fies and pensiones to be payed to the saidis present officeris and to thair successouris respective in that chairge out of the reddiest of the fewe dewties and out of the quotes of testamentes of the diocesse of Sanct Andreues, Glasgowe and Edinburghe, according to the proportione and divisione to be determinat and set doune by the committee from this present parliament appoynted to remaine at Edinburghe. And ordeanes the foirsaidis fies to be payed, conforme to that divisioun, by the heritouris, feweris, fermoreris and otheres adebted in payment of the few dueties of the saidis thrie beshopriks, and by the collectouris and intromettoures with the saidis quoites of testamentes, and also ordeanes the lordis of sessione to direct letters one this present act and upoun the determinatione and divisione of the said committie, at the instance of the advocat, clerke and agent for the kirke, present and to come, for payment to them yeirlie of there saidis fies and pensiones abovespecified. And because that the present procuratour, clerke and agent have beene serveing the kirke in these places these tuo yeires bygone without receiveing thair fies otherwayes due to them, and that the rentes of the saidis two yeires are wntakine wp as yit by the pretendit beshopis of Edinburghe and Sanct Androwes and Glasgowe, but are restrained in the tennentes and collectouris handis, thairfor they ordeene their entrie of payment to be to the cropt and yeir of God 1638 yeires.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.33v-34v. Back